​Chugach Way Reconnaissance Study
The Anchorage 2040 Land Use Plan designated the central section of Spenard as a priority Reinvestment Focus Area (RFA). The Chugach Way vicinity of this designation is considered a key redevelopment catalyst area and is currently undergoing new development planning.
Chugach Way is a local street in the area that is considered essential to redevelopment scenarios. As an add-on to the Spenard Corridor Plan process, the Planning Department included this Chugach Way Reconnaisance Study. This technical report presents initial concept alternatives and identifies basic constraints for the redevelopment of Chugach Way.
The study's findings and recommendations will inform a future phase of planning for this section of Spenard, which will include stakeholder input, land use designations, and a refined vision of Chugach Way and associated multi-modal facilities.
Chugach Way Reconnassaince Study, May 2019
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