Title 21 (current)
The following chapters of Title 21 contain all ordinances approved through February 11, 2025:
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: General Provisions
Chapter 2: Boards, Commissions, and Municipal Administration
Chapter 3: Review and Approval Procedures
Chapter 4: Zoning Districts
Chapter 5: Use Regulations
Chapter 6: Dimensional Standards and Measurements
Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards
Chapter 8: Subdivision Standards
Chapter 9: Girdwood
Chapter 10: Chugiak-Eagle River
Chapter 11: Downtown
Chapter 12: Signs
Chapter 13: Nonconformities
Chapter 14: Enforcement
Chapter 15: Rules of Construction and Definitions
Anchorage Municipal Code of Regulations Title 21 (AMCR)
"Old" Title 21 regulations ("old code") and all Municipal Code can be found on the Internet at municode.
Please note: Municode on the Internet may not contain the most current land use regulations as adopted by the Anchorage Assembly. For the most current Land Use Regulations, please use the Title 21 version on this site.
Find more information on recent and upcoming updates to Title 21 on the Title 21 Updates Page.
Title 21 Guidance, Interpretations, and Summaries
Director's Guidance and Interpretation documents provide interpretations, clarifications, and guidance for applying specific code provisions in Title 21 and are labeled by topic.
Interactive Map for Urban Neighborhood Development Context Area (per AMC 21.07.010E.) (forthcoming)
Director's Guidance and Interpretations
Title 21 Handouts and Self-Helps