​Arsenic Information

Arsenic is a naturally occurring element in some soils and bedrock. Over time, arsenic-bearing minerals are weathered, and the dissolved arsenic can find its way​ into groundwater and surface waters. For arsenic information provided by the MOA Health Department click here.​

  • MOA Arsenic Map - The data used for this map is exported weekly from the well and septic permitting database.​​

Nitrate Information​

Nitrate is a mobile constituent common in many aquifer systems, and is the most common contaminant identified in groundwater. Nitrate in groundwater is becoming widespread in many rural areas of the U.S. due to agricultural activities and disposal of sewage on or beneath the land surface. Nitrate contamination also has implications for public health, due to the possibility of methemoglobinemia, or “blue baby syndrome" in infants, an​d is one of the most frequently reported contaminants from septic systems. The current State of Alaska Drinking Water Standard for nitrate is 10 mg/L.