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Household Hazardous Waste

Please call 907-201-8472 if you have any questions regarding household hazardous waste disposal or the reuse Paint and Materials Exchange.​

Locations & Hours

Anchorage Regional Landfill

​15500 Eagle River Loop Road, Eagle River, Alaska

​Tuesday to Saturday -- 8:00am to 5:00pm​

​Central Transfer Station​

1208 E. 56th Ave, Anchorage, Alaska

Monday - Saturday -- 8:00am to 4:30pm

Drop-off at Anchorage Regional Landfill or Central Transfer Station

Anchorage residents only, drop-off services are FREE limited to 40 pounds or less at either the Anchorage Regional Landfill or Central Transfer Station. A hazardous waste pick-up service also is available on a call-in basis. Please call 907-201-8472 for questions. 

Anchorage Businesses must qualify as a Very Small Quantity Generators or VSQGs. VSQGs are companies that generate less than 220 pounds of any hazardous wastes per month. VSQGs must dispose their household hazardous waste at the Anchorage Regional Landfill only, not accepted at the Central Transfer Station.

Disposal rates for VSQGs vary by product and quantity. Typical VSQG rates range from $0.50 to $1.00 per pound. 

Ammunition/explosives, asbestos, smoke alarms, and pharmaceuticals/meds are NOT accepted at these facilities.

Drop off Household Hazardous Materials:



Art and Hobby Supplies


Batteries (auto)


Batteries, Lithium (non-auto):

up to 40lbs daily (max 220lbs per month)



up to 5 gallons or up to 40lbs




Fluorescent lamps and bulbs



diesel, gasoline, kerosene, propane


Lamp ballasts


Paints, solvents, and preservatives:

Latex paint is not a hazardous waste, 

but must be dried before disposal.

Find more information here​.

up to 5 gallons or up to 40lbs


Pesticides and herbicides:

up to 5 gallons or up to 40lbs


Photographic chemicals:

up to 5 gallons or up to 40lbs


Resins and adhesives:

up to 5 gallons or up to 40lbs


Used oil

Up to five gallons will be accepted at all SWS facilities in a separate collection area. These areas are open during the same hours as the facilities where they are located. The used motor oil is later refined; some of it goes for use in ship engines, or back into usable oil for autos. An additional five gallons will be accepted at CTS for an additional charge of $1.00 per gallon.





While you’re at the ARL or CTS facilities, be sure to visit the Paint & Materials Exchange. When the public drops off hazardous materials, SWS checks them and put the usable products in the Haz Bin. 

For example, SWS takes in 50 to 100 gallons of paint each week. Sometimes good paint comes in unopened. You might also be able to pick up some household cleaning solvents, auto fluids, or lawn and garden chemicals, depending on availability. 

Reuse Hours

Open during normal Household Hazardous Waste business hours.​