Health Information Management


Public Health Clinic fees are based on a sliding-scale. To apply the sliding scale to your services, please provide proof of income at the time of visit. If you do not have insurance and are unable to pay your entire balance at the end of your visit due to extenuating circumstances, an office associate will work with you to establish a payment plan and make a down payment. We do not deny services to clients because of an inability to pay at the time of service.

The Health Information Management program supports Clinical Services with:

  • Requests for release of medical records
  • Patient and Insurance billing for services received
  • Medical Records Management


To register for AHD clinical services, please print this Registration Form and bring it with you to your appointment.

For medical records information or request for release of records, call 343-4799 or use our Authorization Form if you would like your medical records released to you, or to another medical facility. Please complete and bring the form to the Department of Health and Human Services medical records office.

To read how medical information about you may be used and disclosed, and how you can get access to this information, please review this Notice of HIPAA Privacy Practices.

We are located on the first floor, 825 L Street.

For billing and payment information on your account, call 343-4618.