
Local Air Space

Letter to Airmen No. 13-01
Subject: Runway 7/25 Traffic Pattern at Merrill Field

CARTEE Airspace Information

 Cartee Airspace is a sterile airspace within the MRI Class D Surface Area released to Elmendorf Tower for extended EDF Runway 16/34 operations (see cautionary notes on aerial photo for more details). Upon release, Elmendorf Tower has approval for control purposes of this area.  The Cartee airspace is defined in the current Merrill/EDF ATC LOA and requires a 5 minute advance notice from Elmendorf to Merrill.

If you have questions, concerns, or need additional information, please contact the Merrill Field Air Traffic Control Tower at 271-3121.



The above links to FAA publications are for general information only, and are subject to scheduled or unscheduled revision. They are not intended for use in flight planning!