​​New Master Plan

Coming 2027​


Merrill Field Airport Master Plan Update and Noise Study

The Municipality of Anchorage Merrill Field Airport (MRI) has updated the Airport Master Plan (AMP).  This AMP was completed in December, 2016.  MRI contracted with HDR Alaska, Inc. (HDR) to provide airport planning and engineering services in developing this master plan update.

This AMP will serve as a blueprint for airport development over the next 20 years and is critical in developing a plan that will position the airport to remain vibrant and successful into the future.

Click on the following links to view the AMP documents.

Merrill Field Airport Master Plan Update and Noise Study

Merrill Field Airport Master Plan Update and Noise Study Appendix
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Economic and Community Contributions of Merrill Field Airport

MRI_Noise Exposure Map 02132014.pdf