
​Merrill Field Airport Fly Friendly Operational Practices

The Municipality of Anchorage and Merrill Field Airport (MRI) recognize airspace above MRI is controlled by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and understand, pilots have decision-making authority over safe operations of their aircraft.

Safety of operations and users is the highest priority for the Municipality of Anchorage and Merrill Field Airport, while maintaining compliance with FAA regulations. Recognizing there are impacts to surrounding communities, MRI users should reduce those impacts whenever safely reasonable. MRI is committed to maintaining a cohesive partnership with all.

Fixed-wing Operational Practices

  1. Pilots should utilize the entire length of the runway and initiate takeoff from a safe distance towards the end.
  2. Intersection takeoffs are discouraged.
  3. Utilize the lowest RPM, while maintaining safe operation of aircraft.
  4. Follow the standard traffic patterns and routes as depicted in the Alaska Chart Supplement.
    For example:
    • When departing on the upwind leg, pilots should make their crosswind turn at a safe altitude and avoid flying over surrounding residential areas.
    • If departing Runway 25 using a left turn out (Campbell or eastbound departures), avoid turning prior to Ingra.
    • If departing Runway 7 with a right turn out (Campbell departure), avoid turning prior to Bragaw.
    • If departing Runway 16 with a left turn out for either a Campbell or eastbound departure, avoid overflight of residences and keep the ground track within the greenbelt south of 15th Ave.
    • If departing Runways 16 or 23 on a Chester Creek Departure, join the Chester Creek greenbelt as soon as it is safe.
  5. Daily observed quiet hours are 2200-0600.
    • Training exercises, including touch-and-go’s and pattern work are discouraged, but not prohibited, during quiet hours. MRI must adhere to FAA Order 5190.6B (Airport Compliance Program):
      1. 14.8. Restrictions on Touch-and-Go Operations. A touch-and-go operation is an aircraft procedure used in flight training. It is considered an aeronautical activity. As such, it cannot be prohibited by the airport sponsor without justification. For an airport sponsor to limit a particular aeronautical activity for safety and efficiency, including touch-and-go operations, the limitation must be based on an analysis of safety and/or efficiency and capacity, and meet any other applicable requirements for airport noise and access restrictions explained in chapter 13 of this Order, Airport Noise and Access Restrictions.
    • Pilots conducting pattern work during quiet hours are requested to use runway 25, wind permitting.
    • Pilots are requested to use the right traffic for runway 25, or left traffic for runway 7 to reduce noise impacts.
  6. Request use of the published Instrument Flight Procedures, when applicable.

Helicopter Operational Practices

  1. East-West runway 07/25, winds and availability permitting, is the primary R/W operations runway. Helicopter operations on Runway 16/34 are to be discouraged unless the winds are generally out of the north or south or when 7/25 is unavailable due to snow removal or other maintenance activities.
  2. Runway 34, R/W operators are encouraged to delay descent to the airport and land long at a point approximately equal to 1/3 the distance down the runway. This landing point is beyond the normal fixed wing touch down point and will enable increased approach heights over the underlying neighborhoods.
  3. For multiple R34 approaches, use steep approach procedures, confined area landing and departure procedures, or ‘quick stop’ maneuvers to keep altitude high and rotor disk pitch as low as possible. Doing so will reduce noise impact to the neighborhood and increase altitude for possible autorotation.
  4. When R34 is in use, all R/W operators are encouraged to make base leg turns from the downwind track over Ingra Street and through the greenbelt. This will reduce noise impacts. For straight-in approaches or extended patterns to R34 from Northern Lights Blvd, maintain 900 feet and begin descent when crossing the greenbelt, south of 15th Ave.
  5. All relevant fixed-wing operational practices apply to helicopters.​

Please note, Bryant Army Airfield does not allow for civilian rotary wing helicopter touch-and-go landing practice.

The Municipality of Anchorage and Merrill Field Airport expects compliance of all relevant FAA guidelines while encouraging safe and friendly flying practices over surrounding communities.

Fly Friendly Protocol Downloadable PDF​