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Anchorage Parks and Recreation


Campbell Creek Estuary Natural Area

In 2013, the Great Land Trust and the Municipality of Anchorage Parks & Recreation Department, in partnership with the Anchorage Park Foundation developed a master plan for the Campbell Creek Estuary Natural Area.

Campbell Creek Estuary Natural Area is located in South Anchorage just downstream of Campbell Lake.   The property contains significant wildlife habitat, sensitive wetlands and is protected by a conservation easement.  The Municipality has worked with stakeholders and members of the public to provide input on the nature and location of improvements.

Please click on the links below for more information about this exciting project.

2013 Improvements

Campbell Creek Estuary Natural Area is now open!

On October 11th, 2013 Campbell Creek Estuary Natural Area opened, becoming the newest addition to the Anchorage park system. 

With the adoption of the Master Plan in 2012, summer 2013 brought  the development of new ameneties at the Campbell Creek Estuary Natural Area.  Amenties include

  • Parking lot: 10 space parking lot with school bus parking and a spot for a Park Host, crane-shaped bike racks, lighting, and three kiosks with interpretive panels
  • Trails: Flat meadow loop trail with access to a platform overlooking the Campbell Creek and Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge; two spur trails, one to a platform at the base of the bluff providing an upclose experience of Campbell Creek and the estuary, and a second path to a hidden bird blind for view sandhill cranes (see map below)   MAP of Campbell Creek Estuary Natural Area
  • Overlooks and Bird Blinds: CCENA contains two overlook platforms and one hidden bird blind.  

Master Plan adopted by Planning and Zoning Commission

The Master Plan was adopted by the Planning and Zoning Commission on Monday, December 10th. 


Recent Articles on CCENA:

Alaska Dispatch, 12/15/12

ADN, 1/9/13

Public Involvement Opportunities & Project Schedule
Project Documents and Information