Fairview Park is a neighborhood use park located in the Fairview Community Council area. This one-acre park currently has a tennis court, play equipment suited for children ages two through five, two picnic shelters, and on-street parking. The shelters are available for public reservation.

Fairview Park is located at 1217 LaTouche Street, Anchorage, AK 99501. The park was developed in 1968 with funds from a Capital Improvement bond secured in 1966. During the development, three different designs were used until the finished product was determined, as seen today. Additionally, Land Water Conservation Fund monies were used for development, as well as a 2006 Challenge Grant from Anchorage Park Foundation. The park was also a United Way 50th Anniversary Day of Caring Project.
In 2011, the Parks Report Card indicated concerns about graffiti, human waste, empty alcohol bottles, and drugs within the park boundaries, with residents asking for a playground paint refurbishment, and dog stations and trash cans installed, but worse, people reported feeling unsafe in Fairview Park. The "Fix It" list of 2011 included repair and replacement of a utility gate near the entrance, graffiti removal, installation of trash cans and dog stations, extending fencing to a street side, and a refurbishment of outdoor furniture.

the past three years, Anchorage Parks and Recreation has worked with
the Fairview community to realize the visions outlined in the 2018
Fairview Park Master Plan.
The Fairview Community Council approved the master plan with a resolution of support in April 2017, and the Parks and Recreation Commission approved this plan with a resolution of support during a December 2017 meeting.
In 2019, the park received new playground amenities, and new lighting in the two pavilions; two improvements advocated for in the master planning process. This included purchasing and installing new play equipment including a custom "Raven" climber. In the same summer, the department was able to partner with the Streets Department and install lighting into each of the existing pavilions.
In 2020, the tennis court was converted to a mixed-use volleyball/basketball court. In 2021, the mural was finally installed on the recreation court with the help of the Parks and Recreation staff.
2018 Municipality of Anchorage Park Bond: $250,000
Inclusive Play - Anchorage Park Foundation funding: $58,000
Anchorage Park Foundation Challenge grant: $11,000
2017 Mayor's Resiliency grant: $8,000
2017 State of Alaska Food Forest grant: $900