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Anchorage Parks and Recreation

Fairview Park Master Plan

Fairview Park

1217 LaTouche Street, Anchorage, AK 99501

This one acre park currently contains an area for a tennis court, play equipment for 2-5 year olds, two picnic shelters and on street parking. The shelters are available for reservations.


This park was developed in 1968 with funds from a Capital Improvement bond from 1966. During the development, three different designs were used until today’s finished product. Additionally, LWCF monies were used for development as well as a 2006 Challenge Grant from Anchorage Park Foundation. This park  was also a United Way 50th Anniversary Day of Caring Project.

In 2011 the Report Card reported concerns about graffiti, human waste, empty alcohol bottles and drugs in the park. They would like to see the playground re-painted and dog stations and trash cans installed. People reported feeling unsafe in Fairview Park. The fix it list as of 2011 included the utility gate near the entry as dangerous and needing enclosure, graffiti removal, installing more trash cans and dog stations, extending fencing to street side, and wanted to spruce up the site furniture.

Project Overview

Parks and Recreation is currently looking into discovering community stakeholders and desires of the community for Fairview Park. The master plan will provide a 20 year vision for the park and help identify both current and future needs. Throughout the master planning process, Parks and Rec will look to address issues and concerns, and establish a framework for future development of the park.    

The Fairview Community Council Approved of the master plan with a resolution of support in April, 2017, and the Parks and Recreation Commission approved this plan with a resolution of support during December 2017. 

Public Engagement

Public engagement is important to any planning project. To ensure that the master plan aligns with the desires of the community, Parks and Recreation hosted open house events and worked with an advisory group.  If you would like to participate in the Community Advisory Group, please contact Park Planner Taylor Keegan at KeeganTH@muni.org.