Ice and Trail Status
Winter in Anchorage is a special time of year. Residents and visitors can enjoy a wide range of recreation opportunities on municipal parkland, including cross-country skiing, winter biking, ice skating, sledding, dog mushing, skijoring, snowshoeing, and walking. Check current ice and trail conditions to plan your adventure.
All maintenance is performed by Anchorage Parks and Recreation unless otherwise noted.
*Ice maintenance has ended for the 2024-2025 winter season*
Lake Ice Status
Updated: 3/5/2025
Lake ice maintenance requires 12 in of good-quality ice.
Ice Skating
Cheney Lake
| N/A
| Ice maintenance has ended for the 2024-2025 winter season.
Cuddy Family Midtown Park - Skating Pond
| N/A
| Ice maintenance has ended for the 2024-2025 winter season.
Westchester Lagoon | N/A
| Ice maintenance has ended for the 2024-2025 winter season.
Ice Fishing
DeLong Lake
| N/A
| Ice fishing only. No skating rink, please use caution.
Jewel Lake
| N/A
| Ice fishing only. No skating rink, please use caution
Ice Rink Status
Updated: 3/5/2025
For use permits go to
Chanshtnu Muldoon Park - Skating Ribbon
| Ice maintenance has ended for the 2024-2025 winter season.
Cuddy Family Midtown Park - Skating Oval
| Ice maintenance has ended for the 2024-2025 winter season. Maintained by Alpine Services 907-277-2050.
Delaney Hockey
| Ice maintenance has ended for the 2024-2025 winter season.
Delaney Figure Skating
| Ice maintenance has ended for the 2024-2025 winter season.
Bonnie Cusack Memorial Rinks
| Poor condition Maintained by Alpine Services 907-277-2050.
Tikishla - Scotty Gomez
| Ice maintenance has ended for the 2024-2025 winter season.
Town Square Park
| Poor condition, skating not recommended Maintained by Alpine Services 907-277-2050.
Eagle River Lakes and Rinks
Updated: 3/10/2025
Beach Lake
| 16+ in
| Ice fishing only, no skating rink. Please use caution.
Edmonds Lake
| N/A
| Ice fishing only, no skating rink. Please use caution.
Fire Lake
| 16+ in
| Ice fishing only, no skating rink. Please use caution.
Mirror Lake
| 16+ in
| Skating rink provided, but no ice maintenance. Please use caution.
Anchorage Ski Trails
Updated: 3/5/2025
Please use caution, bridges may be slippery when icy or wet. For more information about trails maintained by the Nordic Skiing Association (Far North Bicentennial, Hillside, Kincaid, and Eagle River Beach Lake Trails) visit their website at
Coastal Trail
| Yes
| No
| Poor, icy conditions
Campbell Creek - Lake Otis Blvd. to University Lake
| Poor, icy conditions
Campbell Creek - West of the New Seward Hwy.
| Poor, icy conditions
Chester Creek - Goose Lake to Westchester Lagoon
| Poor, icy conditions
Chester/Campbell Connector - Goose Lake to University Lake
| Poor, icy conditions
Russian Jack Springs Park - North |
| Poor, icy conditions
Russian Jack Springs Park - South |
| Poor, icy conditions
Snow Removal Strategy
Anchorage Parks and Recreation strategically adjusts snow removal efforts in parking areas in order to focus our resources on providing access to key amenities. To manage this, we are closing and reducing service to the following locations:
Parking Lot Closures
Parking lots are closed by November 1 or when snow naturally closes them off to the public.
- Brotherhood Sisterhood Park
- Brown's Point
- Campbell Creek Park (overflow lot)
- Jade Street Park
- Jodhpur Motocross
- Russian Jack Springs Park: Cartee Fields
- Russian Jack Springs Park: South Boniface (Horseshoe Loop)
Reduced Maintenance
C Street Gardens
- Davis Park
Margaret Eagan Sullivan Nature Trail (19th Ave and Spenard)
Nunaka Valley: Nunaka Dr. lot
Nunaka Valley: Kepner Dr. lot
Papago Park
South Anchorage Sports Park
Winter Operations Plan for Anchorage Parks and Recreation
Anchorage is a winter city, and the Parks and Recreation Department provides residents with a wide range of outdoor recreational opportunities made possible by a well-defined operations plan and a skilled maintenance division. The Winter Operations Plan identifies maintenance tasks and responsibilities related to snow removal, winter recreation, sanitation, and event support as it relates to regular operations and storm response.
Download a PDF copy of the Winter Operations Plan