Chanshtnu Muldoon Park Master Plan
Debarr Rd and Muldoon Rd (View Map)
The Chanshtnu Muldoon Park Master Plan was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission in April 2016 .
The Chanshtnu Muldoon Park Master Plan is a 20 year vision for the park. The Master Plan envisions a park that provides active year-round recreation and community event space for residents of East Anchorage.
The Master Plan identifies current and future community needs and provides a framework for the development, management, and maintenance of the park. More than a guiding document, this Master Plan actualizes the community’s vision for a destination park in East Anchorage that provides a gathering place for all residents to participate in healthy activities in a safe, clean, and beautiful natural setting.
Chanshtnu Muldoon Park is a newly dedicated Community Use Park located in the heart of East Anchorage at the southeast corner of the Muldoon and DeBarr Road intersection. The park encompasses 26.74 acres of natural and previously developed areas, with features that include the South Fork of Chester Creek, outstanding views of the Chugach Mountains, as well as upland forests and open meadows.
Originally referred to as Muldoon Town Square Park during the initial planning stages, the park underwent a formally named process where Chanshtnu Muldoon Park was decided. The name Chanshtnu Muldoon Park ties our past to the present in a public space that future generations will enjoy. “Chanshtnu” refers to the Dena’ina name for “Chester Creek” which is a defining feature of the park. “Muldoon” is a common place name honoring an early Anchorage homesteader in the area.
The creation of Chanshtnu Muldoon Park has long been a priority for East Anchorage residents and decision makers. Since the Municipality of Anchorage purchased the property in 2006, the local community has advocated for a park and public gathering space where residents can enjoy and experience nature in an increasingly urban environment. Community members have consistently voiced a strong desire for a shared public space and destination fronting Muldoon Road that is reminiscent of the character, uniqueness and popularity of the former Alaska Greenhouses, a popular commercial nursery operation located on the site and owned by the late Mann Leiser.
After the Alaska Greenhouses closed in the 1990’s, commercial and residential development in the area continued. However, little to no development occurred on site. Over the years, various studies of the site were completed for commercial and institutional development, but with poor soils and limited access from Muldoon Road the site remained undeveloped.
In 2014, the East Anchorage District Plan (EADP) was adopted. The EADP identified the need for a small area planning process to determine appropriate development and use of the site. During the EADP’s public process, the community clearly stated a strong desire to protect and enhance the large undeveloped site as a park and open space.
Following the adoption of the EADP, the Anchorage Assembly in 2015 officially dedicated the property as a municipal park. With the formal dedication of the property as parkland, the Municipality of Anchorage Parks and Recreation Department began the Master Planning process.
In fall of 2015, Anchorage Parks and Recreation began working the Northeast Community Council Parks Committee to start the process of identifying and prioritizing new improvements for Chanshtnu Muldoon Park. The master plan received resolutions of support from the Northeast and Scenic Foothills Community Councils, the Parks and Recreation Commission, and the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Since the development of the Master Plan, the community has continued to work with the Municipality, civic leaders and non-profits such as the Anchorage Park Foundation to fundraise for development of this important community asset.