To vote by Secure Document Portal...
If you would like to vote by Secure Document Portal, you may request that a ballot be sent to you by completing the Application to Vote by Secure Document Portal. Completed applications shall be processed if received by the Municipal Clerk's Office by 5:00 p.m., one week before Election Day. Applications received after 5:00 p.m. AKDT the week before election day up to the day before may be processed subject to availability of staff and resources. Applications received after 5:00 p.m. the day before Election Day will not be processed.
Please keep in mind that by using electronic transmission to return your voted ballot, you are voluntarily waiving a portion of your right to a secret ballot and you are voluntarily disclosing personal identifying information (PII). By using electronic transmission to return your voted ballot, the integrity of the data on your voted ballot is not guaranteed and you are assuming the risk that a faulty transmission may occur. Please keep in mind that firewalls in servers often isolate emails and strip attachments that potentially may contain viruses. It is your responsibility to follow up and confirm that your application and completed ballot were received by MOA Elections.
To vote by email or fax...
If you would like to vote by email, you may request that a ballot be sent to you by completing the Application to Vote by Email, available by contacting or 907-243-VOTE (8683). Completed applications shall be processed if received by the Municipal Clerk's Office by 5:00 p.m., one week before Election Day. Applications received after 5:00 p.m. AKDT the week before election day up to the day before may be processed subject to availability of staff and resources. Applications received after 5:00 p.m. the day before Election Day will not be processed.
If you would like to vote by fax, you may request that a ballot be sent to you via fax by completing the Application to Vote by Fax, available by contacting or 907-243-VOTE (8683). Completed applications to vote by fax shall be processed if received by the Municipal Clerk's Office by 5:00 p.m., one week before Election Day. Applications received after 5:00 p.m. AKDT the week before election day and up to the day before may be processed subject to availability of staff and resources. Applications received after 5:00 p.m. the day before Election Day will not be processed.
Please keep in mind that by using electronic transmission to return your voted ballot, you are voluntarily waiving a portion of your right to a secret ballot and you are voluntarily disclosing personal identifying information (PII). By using electronic transmission to return your voted ballot, the integrity of the data on your voted ballot is not guaranteed and you are assuming the risk that a faulty transmission may occur. Please keep in mind that firewalls in servers often isolate emails and strip attachments that potentially may contain viruses. It is your responsibility to follow up and confirm that your application and completed ballot were received by MOA Elections.