
Voter Resources​​

The next Regular Municipal Election is Tuesday, April 1, 2025.

Anchorage votes at home, which means ballot packages will b​​e mailed to your mailing address on record in the State of Alaska voter registration database. For Regular Municipal Elections, ballot packages will only be mailed to qualified Anchorage voters, at least 21 days before Election Day.

​​Register to Vote
It is important for your address information in the voter registration database to be current. To review your registration information, visit myvoterinformation.alaska.gov
To register to vote, or to update your voter registration information, visit voterregistration.alaska.gov
To be eligible to vote, you must register with the State of Alaska Division of Elections no later than 30 days before Election Day.​​​

Options to VOTE in the Municipal Election​

​Voting at home is as easy as 1 - 2 - 3.

  1. Once you receive your ballot package in the mail, mark your​ choice(s) by filling in the oval(s) with black or blue pen and then, place your ballot into the secrecy sleeve and then into the ballot return envelope.

  2. Read and sign the declaration on the ballot return envelope.

  3. Return your ballot by placing it in a secure drop box, or returning it to an Anchorage Vote Center (AVC), or by mailing it through the U.S. Postal Service with first class postage. ​​

Secure Drop Boxes
Anchorage Vote Center (AVC)
Returning by USPS Mail
​​Secure Drop Boxes​​

18 Secure drop boxes for the Regular Muncipal  Election will be opened starting as soon as ballot packages are mailed to voters to return their ballot at any time before 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. 

​ASD Education Center
5530 E​ Northern Lights​ Boulevard 
Bartlett High School
1101 Golden Bear Drive 
Begich Middle School
7440 Creekside Center Drive 
City Hall
632 West 6th Avenue, Parking Lot 
Clark Middle School
150 Bragaw Street 
​Dimond High School
2909 West 88th Avenue 
​Eagle River Town Center
12001 Business Boulevard​ 
Election Center
619 East Ship Creek Avenue 
​Fairview Community Recreation Center
1121 East 10th Avenue 
Girdwood Community Center
250 Egloff Drive 
​Loussac Library
3600 Denali Street, near Book Drop 
​O'Malley's on the Green
3651 O'Malley Road 
​Planning and Development Center (MOA Permit Center)
4700 Elmore Road 
Service High School
5577 Abbott Road 
​South Anchorage High School
13400 Elmore Road 
Spenard Community Recreation Center
2020 West 48th Avenue 
UAA Alaska Airlines
3550 Providence Drive 
​West Anchorage High School
​1700 Hillcrest Drive 

​​Anchorage Vote Center (AVC)

If you need assistance ​voting, if you need to replace a lost or damaged ballot, if you didn't receive a ballot, or if you would like to vote your mailed ballot in person, you may vote at an Anchorage Vote Center. Vote Centers are open approximately nine days before Election Day.​ 

Anchorage Vote Center Hours and Locations

Weekdays, March 25–31, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 29, 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Election Day, April 1, 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

​​City Hall 
All municipal ballots are available.
632 West 6th Avenue, Room # 105

Loussac Library 
All municipal ballots are available. ​
​3600 Denali Street, First Floor ​

Eagle River Town Center
Only Chugiak-Eagle River ballots are available.
12001 Business Boulevard, Community Room #170 (same building as the library)


​​​Returning by USPS ​M​​​​ail

Voted ballots being returned by USPS mail for an election must be postmarked no later than Election Day and received by the start of the Election Commission​ Public Session of Canvass. (If you are mailing your ballot return envelope the day before or on Election Day, ask a postal official to hand-cancel/hand-stamp the envelope with a postmark.​ ​​​​

New ADA-Accessible Voting Machines Available during the Municipal Election! If you or someone you know needs accommodations to vote with independence and privacy, please visit an Anchorage Vote Center and ask an election official to use an ADA-accessible voting machine. Learn more.

Other Options to Vote
Temporary Address
Vote by Secure Document Portal
Vote by Email or Fax

​​To vote at a temporary address ...

If you will be away and unable to receive your ballot at your registered mailing address before Election Day, you may request that a ballot be sent to a temporary address by completing the Application to Vote at a Temporary Address​​​​​​​. Applications to vote at a temporary address must be received by the Municipal Clerk's Office by 5:00 p.m., one week before election day.

To vote by Secure Document Portal...

If you would like to vote by Secure Document Portal, you may request that a ballot be sent to you by completing the Application to Vote by Secure Document Portal. Completed applications shall be processed if received by the Municipal Clerk's Office by 5:00 p.m., one week before Election Day. ​ Applications received after 5:00 p.m. AKDT the week before election day up to the day before may be processed subject to availability of staff and resources. Applications received after 5:00 p.m. the day before Election Day will not be processed. ​

Please keep in mind that by using electronic transmission to return your voted ballot, you are voluntarily waiving a portion of your right to a secret ballot and you are voluntarily disclosing personal identifying information (PII). By using electronic transmission to return your voted ballot, the integrity of the data on your voted ballot is not guaranteed and you are assuming the risk that a faulty transmission may occur. Please keep in mind that firewalls in servers often isolate emails and strip attachments that potentially may contain viruses. It is your responsibility to follow up and confirm that your application and completed ballot were received by MOA Elections.   ​

To vote by email or fax​...
If you would like to vote by email, you may request that a ballot be sent to you by completing the Application to Vote by Email, available by contacting elections@anchorageak.gov or 907-243-VOTE (8683). Completed applications shall be processed if received by the Municipal Clerk's Office by 5:00 p.m., one week before Election Day. ​ Applications received after 5:00 p.m. AKDT the week before election day up to the day before may be processed subject to availability of staff and resources. Applications received after 5:00 p.m. the day before Election Day will not be processed. ​​

If you would like to vote by fax, you may request that a ballot be sent to you via fax by completing the Application to Vote by Fax, available by contacting elections@anchorageak.gov or 907-243-VOTE (8683). Completed applications to vote by fax shall be processed if received by the Municipal Clerk's Office by 5:00 p.m., one week before Election Day. Applications received after 5:00 p.m. AKDT the week before election day and up to the day before may be processed subject to availability of staff and resources. Applications received after 5:00 p.m. the day before Election Day will not be processed. 

Please keep in mind that by using electronic transmission to return your voted ballot, you are voluntarily waiving a portion of your right to a secret ballot and you are voluntarily disclosing personal identifying information (PII). By using electronic transmission to return your voted ballot, the integrity of the data on your voted ballot is not guaranteed and you are assuming the risk that a faulty transmission may occur. Please keep in mind that firewalls in servers often isolate emails and strip attachments that potentially may contain viruses. It is your responsibility to follow up and confirm that your application and completed ballot were received by MOA Elections.   ​

All applications may be submitted via hand-delivery, mail-delivery, fax, or email to the Office of the Municipal Clerk - Elections. Specific details may be found on each ​application.​

For more Municipal voting information, call 907-243-VOTE (8683) or e-mail us at elections@anchorageak.gov.



Update or Register to Vote
Find a Dropbox or Anchorage Vote Center
Track Your Ballot

​907-243-VOTE elections@anchorageak.gov
​619 E Ship Creek Ave., Ste. 100, Door D Anchorage, AK 99501