NOTICE-Change in airport procedures.
1) Overflight of airport buildings, fuel pumps, personnel, and/or parked aircraft is prohibited below 300 feet AGL, &
2) For Noise abatement purposes, night Touch-n-Go operations or any pattern work is prohibited between 10PM and 7AM local.
Merrill Field is a Commercial Service airport. Merrill Field was established in 1930 one mile east of downtown Anchorage on 436 acres. This was the first real airport in Anchorage. The airport bears the name of Russel Hyde Merrill. Russel Merrill was an early Alaskan aviation pioneer who disappeared in September 1929 on a flight to Bethel. The first aviation beacon in the Territory of Alaska was located at Merrill Field and was dedicated on September 25, 1932 to the honor of Russ Merrill.
Airport Mission
Merrill Field Airport is a unique general aviation airport in north Anchorage, which exists to connect people, businesses, cultures, and economies in a way that preserves and serves our communities and airport users.
Airport Vision
Merrill Field Airport is committed to supporting the economic, environmental, and recreational needs of the community through safe and secure operations and fiscal self-sustainment.