Street Light Maintenance
Within the municipal boundaries, there are many street light owners including: The Municipality of Anchorage, State of Alaska, Chugach Electric, Municipal Light & Power, Matanuska Electric and privately owned systems. In addition, Street Light Maintenance also maintains 16 storm drain lift stations, 158 thaw wire systems and approximately 950 load centers.
Reporting a Street Light Problem
For pole down emergencies leave a message with Street Maintenance Dispatch at 343-8277 and it will be automatically forwarded to an on-call responder.
MOA Street Light Hotline: 343-4557
MOA Facilities Maintenance: 343-8465
MOA Transit Maintenance: 343-8171
State of Alaska DOT: 338-1466
Electric Utilities
Chugach Electric Hotline: 762-7676
Municipal Light & Power Hotline: 263-5483
Matanuska Electric Customer Service: 694-2161
Note: if you do not know the street light owner, please call or email MOA Street Light Maintenance. We will relay the repair request.
How Do I Determine Who Maintains a Particular Light?
Metal light poles along a roadway, intersection or sidewalk are typically maintained by the Municipality of Anchorage, Street Light Maintenance.

MOA Facility Maintenance
Trails, Parks and Municipal Properties
If the light is on a trail, in a tunnel, or on city property such as a park, The Facility Maintenance Division is the department responsible for maintaining these lights.

MOA Transit (People Mover)
Green pedestrian lights which can be found at bus stops are maintained by MOA Transit.

State of Alaska DOT
Street Lights on roadways such as the Glenn Hwy & Seward Hwy (see map) are owned and maintained by the State of Alaska DOT Public Facilities. The exception to this is at signalized intersections where MOA Street Maintenance maintains the intersection lighting.

Electric Utilities
If the light is mounted to a wooden power pole, it is maintained by the power utility for that service area. ML&P serves North of Tudor Rd between Arctic Blvd & Boniface Pkwy, Chugach Electric serves South of Tudor Rd and homes East of Boniface Pkwy up to the Glenn Hwy. Matanuska Electric serves homes in Eagle River and Chugiak. For a more detailed description of these boundaries please check with your utility for service areas.
Interactive Map Coming Soon!
This new interactive map will allow you to identify ownership of lights as well as report street light problems online.