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Anchorage Parks and Recreation

Far North Bicentennial Park Trail Plan

Far North Bicentennial Park Trail Improvements Plan

Far North Bicentennial Park is Anchorage’s largest park, providing year-round outdoor recreation opportunities for the entire community. The park is home to the Hilltop Downhill Ski area, the Alaska Botanical Garden, over 100 miles of multi-use trails and important connections to Chugach State Park. The park has over 1 million visitors each year, contributing to the social, economic and ecological well being of Anchorage.

As trail use increases, trail maintenance needs increase. Trail user conflicts, both in winter and in summer, also continue to increase. During the Far North Bicentennial Park Trail Improvements project, all trails will be evaluated to determine their condition and current use. Critical missing trail links and trail amenities will be identified. Trail standards, classifications and trail crew specifications will be developed. The plan will evaluate the need for trailhead and parking upgrades, increased wayfinding and interpretive signage, and other public amenities to enhance the park as a four-season recreation facility. The outcome will be a comprehensive and strategic trail project list endorsed by the trail community.