Historic Property Review

1335 HYDER ST, Anchorage, AK

Property Details
Address Info
Street # Street Name Direction Unit # City State Zip Eligibility
1335 HYDER ST Anchorage AK Not Eligible
This is a rectangular-shaped, two-story; 5,674 square-foot, apartment building. The building has a mansard, asphalt-shingled roof; with minimal overhangs, a cement block stack located near the center of the roof, and several metal stacks located within the western portion of the north side of the roof. An addition with a flat roof is located at the east end of the building, and an addition with a mansard roof protrudes from the center of the west-facing side of the building. The building features horizontal vinyl siding, wood trim, and a cement block foundation. Two metal-covered wood doors are located on the west-facing wall of the western addition. Two casement windows with four panes each are located within the upper portion of the west-facing wall of the western addition. Four casement windows with four panes each are located at the corners of the west-facing wall of the building. Two casement windows with 12 panes each are located within bottom part of the west portion of the north-facing wall of the building, and to sliding windows with 12 panes each are located within the upper portion of the wall. Three additional sliding windows with 12 panes each are located within the upper portion of the eastern half of the north-facing wall of the building. Three casement windows with four panes each are located within the bottom part of the eastern half of the north-facing wall of the building. Several casement windows with multiple panes are located on the north-facing wall of the eastern addition of the building. A paved parking area is located adjacent to and he stood the building, and a small gardening area surrounded by cinder blocks is located at the northwest corner of the lot.
Brian Braunstein and Elizabeth Komisar, BGES, Inc.
Type Description Date Ownership Ended
Historic Owner ROMIG HOWARD G & KAREN B, Address:5531 RICKY ROAD 07/03/2015
Historical Criteria
Criteria For Eligibility Criteria Met?
A - That are associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history No
B - That are associated with the lives of significant persons in or past No
C - That embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction, or that represent the work of a master, or that possess high artistic values, or that represent a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction No
D - That have yielded or may be likely to yield, information important in history or prehistory No

Historical Significance
Area of Significance or Current/Historic Function
Current Function

Significant Person
Significant Period
Structural Information
Structure ID Building Name Status Historical Building?
Active Yes

Documents & Images
Date Uploaded Document Name
There are no documents associated with this historic property.
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