​Assembly Launches Housing Webpage​ with Holtan Hills Information


​The Assembly has a launched a new web page for its focus on Housing. This site will include information on recent and proposed code changes on parking minimum elimination, Accessory Dwelling Units, independent plan review for commercial building permits and other Assembly housing priorities. 

Assembly Focus on Housing​ - continue to check back for more information.

The site now has detailed information on the Holtan Hills project in Girdwood:

Holtan Hills Development Proposal

The Holtan Hills project in Girdwood has brought the attainable housing crisis to the forefront. In simple terms, the opportunity before the Assembly is to sell three Heritage Land Bank Parcels to CY Investments, LLC in order to develop a new housing subdivision.

At the December 20 Regular Assembly Meeting, the Assembly will introduce AO 2022-103(S-1), an updated version of the ordinance authorizing the sale. 

Read AO 2022-103(S-1)

At a worksession on December 2 , these documents were presented by stakeholders involved in the project:
