Anchorage Municipal Clerk Barbara Jones to Retire in June


​Anchorage Municipal Clerk Barbara Jones has announced her retirement effective June 30, 2023, after more than 24 years of service to the Municipality of Anchorage. 
Municipal Clerk Jones was appointed to the role of Municipal Clerk in 2012 by Assembly Chair Ernie Hall. Prior to becoming the Municipal Clerk, Jones served as the Municipal Ombudsman for over one year and previously served for more than 12 years as the Executive Director and Staff Attorney for the Anchorage Equal Rights Commission.
In her role as Municipal Clerk, Jones has worked alongside 11 Assembly Chairs through four Mayoral Administrations and, among her many accomplishments, she oversaw the rollout of Anchorage’s community-driven Vote-At-Home election system in 2018 and worked to establish the Public Portal to Assembly Documents, the adoption of marijuana licensing through the Clerk’s Office in 2016, and the transition to a new meeting and agenda management system for Assembly meetings in 2020.
“The Municipality is fortunate to have benefitted from Barbara’s service. She is a team player and has built incredibly successful teams that enabled A​nchorage to reach its goal for easy, accessible and open Vote-At-Home elections. In the last regular election, 66,844 voters, or 96.4% of all voters, completed their ballots from home, demonstrating the impact and reach of her team’s work,” said Assembly Chair Suzanne LaFrance. “Additionally, she has helped the Assembly run meetings with accuracy and efficiency and oversaw several initiatives to improve access to the Assembly process, such as livestreaming meetings and making Assembly documents more readily available.”
Assembly Vice Chair Christopher Constant added, “Barbara’s departure is bittersweet, but all good things must come to an end. She will be greatly missed, but her legacy will live on for years to come because of the example she sets for excellence in public service. Her commitment to open, accessible, transparent and responsive local government sets the bar for what residents expect from public servants.”

Community member Chuck Volanti has worked with Barbara for many years in her capacity as Municipal Clerk and offered the following, “I wish to extend my never-ending gratitude to Barbara Jones for her unfailing efforts in support of the annual Good Friday Earthquake Remembrance Day over these past eight years. The Municipality of Anchorage residents are vastly rewarded by her dedicated service.”
“To say it has been an honor to serve would be an understatement. I want to thank the Assembly and the people of the Municipality of Anchorage for allowing me to serve as their Municipal Clerk for the past 11 years,” said Jones. “I am proud to be leaving the Municipality with a team of dedicated civil servants in the Municipal Clerk’s Office.”
Upon acceptance of Barbara Jones’s retirement letter, the Assembly Chair and Vice Chair announced that they will begin to formulate the transition plan and hiring process for a new Municipal Clerk, using an open and transparent process. 



Suzanne LaFrance | Assembly Chair

Christopher Constant | Assembly Vice Chair\
