Assembly Approves Bond Propositions for 2023 Regular Municipal Election


Between two meetings this week, the Anchorage Assembly heard public testimony and voted to approve several bond propositions to appear before qualified registered Anchorage voters this spring.

“Bonds are a cost-effective way for the Municipality to make capital improvements that have long-term community, social and economic benefits," said Chair Suzanne LaFrance. “Studies show that infrastructure projects create economic growth from construction projects, increase jobs for workers, boost property values for affected neighborhoods, and improve quality of life for residents, so it's important that we continue to invest in bonds like these that grow our economy. Despite our city's current challenges, the Assembly is still moving forward on critical projects like bonds to build a great city."

This spring's Regular Municipal Election Ballot will feature bond propositions including:

  • A $34.5M bond proposition for the Anchorage Roads and Drainage Service Area to fund improvements to local roads, pedestrian corridors and drainage systems in 2023.
  • A $4.6M bond proposition to fund Areawide Public Safety and Transit Improvements including acquiring replacement ambulances and improving safety in school zones.
  • A $37.7M bond proposition for the Anchorage School District capital improvement budget, which would fund projects such as roof replacements and structural/seismic upgrades at College Gate, Kasuun and Kincaid Elementary Schools as well as safety improvements at Bettye Davis East Anchorage High School.

The final proposition with potential to make it to voters this spring is a bond proposition for the Anchorage Parks and Recreation Service Area. The $3,950,000 bond package proposes funding a tranche of parks projects including:

  • Trails - funding rehabilitation and way finding for the Campbell Creek Trail, matching local funds toward the Fish Creek Trail to the Ocean project, supporting Ship Creek Trail upgrades and a connection to the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail
  • Facilities - making improvements to Mulcahy Stadium, funding Athletic Field safety improvements, and upgrading Chester Creek Complex facility safety, security and ADA accessibility
  • Parks - developing inclusive playgrounds, funding bridge repair in Far North Bicentennial Park, supporting Russian Jack Springs Park safety and ADA improvements, funding improvements to both Fairview and Spenard Recreation Centers and building a warming chalet for the ice oval at Cuddy Park

The proposition poses an increase in taxes of approximately $0.96 for each $100,000 of assessed taxable property value. A public hearing for the bond proposition is scheduled for the Regular Assembly Meeting on February 7, 2023.

“Anchorage loves our parks, and we have some of the best in the world," said Vice Chair Christopher Constant. “The projects the Assembly added to the park bond this year will make parks, trails and facilities across the city even more enjoyable and accessible. I thank my fellow Assembly Members for your work to move this year's park bond forward, especially Member Pete Petersen for his tireless dedication to the Mulcahy Stadium improvements. This is the good governance Anchorage deserves."

Combined with ballot propositions, qualified registered Anchorage voters will see these bond propositions on the April 4 Regular Municipal Ballot, which will be mailed on March 14, 2023.

Register to vote or update your registration by March 5, 2023 to vote in the upcoming Regular Municipal Election. Learn more at




Suzanne LaFrance | Assembly Chair,
Christopher Constant | Assembly Vice Chair,