Assembly Approves 1st Quarter Budget Revisions Emphasizing Housing Action


​At the April 25 Regular Assembly Meeting, the Anchorage Assembly approved legislative items to finalize the 2023 General Government Operating Budget in the first quarter. Amendments emphasized the Assembly’s top priority of 2023: Housing Action.
“We shouldn’t try to water this down: Housing is a crisis within the Municipality,” said Assembly Member Felix Rivera. “The 2022 Gap Analysis identified a need for an additional 2,400 units of low-income housing. When it comes to housing, there is no argument between the branches of government about the need.”

1st Quarter General Government Budget Amendments toward Housing Action

  • Fund the 2023 Assembly Housing Summit to set a long-term, community-driven vision and action plan for housing development across the Municipality

  • Fund a municipal-wide housing study of short term rentals (STR)

  • Fund a feasibility study for developing manufactured housing communities

  • Fund a real estate consultant to protect Heritage Land Bank’s public interest in the potential Holtan Hills land development

  • Fund the revival of the municipal Graffiti Busters Program

  • Leverage private, federal and state grant funding to restore some public transit services to South Anchorage, Eagle River and Chugiak, increase evening, weekend and holiday service and accommodation services

  • Fund a direct grant to the Anchorage Affordable Housing and Land Trust (AAHLT) to support tenants, enhanced staffing operations, security and training​

​​Beyond the 2023 Municipal General Operating Budget, the Assembly approved an amendment to spend $250,000 of Alcohol Tax Fund Balance, or the unspent alcohol tax dollars from previous years, to fund startup costs to open the Golden Lion as low-income housing no later than June 30, 2023.
“Everyone who wants to live in Anchorage should be able to live in a home they can afford,” said Assembly Member Christopher Constant, “but aging infrastructure, stagnant development and unattainable housing prices stand in our way. These are investments toward a vision of robust housing and economic growth so that Anchorage, the most beautiful place in America, is a place people desire to stay, yearn to return or realize their dream to make a life.”
The first quarter budget revision cycle is an opportunity to see the final report of the previous year’s revenue and expenses and make adjustments to the current year budget as needed, because the annual budget is based on projections from the previous fall.
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Christopher Constant | District 1

Felix Rivera | District 4