Assembly Budget Committee Leadership Budget Amendments



At tomorrow's Assembly meeting, Assembly Members Forrest Dunbar and Austin Quinn-Davidson, Assembly Budget and Finance Committee co-chairs, will bring forward an omnibus amendment package to the Municipality's general government operating budget that would provide for additional snow plowing, including to sidewalks; increase public safety resources; and improve quality of life in the Municipality.

The omnibus package, based largely on suggestions made by Assembly Members during the budget work session process, includes amendments to the operating and alcohol tax budgets and highlights include:

  • Additional positions in the Anchorage Fire Department
  • A significant increase in funding for snow plowing and haul out, in response to public comments received during last year's winter and spring seasons
  • A modest increase to the Anchorage Senior Activity Center budget to keep up with inflation
  • Increased funding within the alcohol tax for substance misuse and mental health services
  • Restoration of 24/7 funding for the Mobile Crisis Team within the Anchorage Fire Department, and adding resources to enable the Mobile Intervention Team at the Anchorage Police Department to also operate 24/7.

“We are very fortunate that the Municipality is in sound financial condition and has the resources to maintain the services and programs that our community has come to expect," said Assembly Member Forrest Dunbar. “This modest amendment package, which will result in an increase of less than 1% of the total general government operating budget, keeps the budget under the tax cap while resulting in long-lasting positive impacts by making our community safer and a more enjoyable place to live."

"We heard from many individuals and organizations this fall who asked us to make responsible investments in public safety and quality of life and we worked hard to be responsive to the needs of our community," said Assembly Member Austin Quinn-Davidson. “This amendment package is based on that feedback and is a collaborative effort of the entire Assembly. We thank the community for your involvement in the budget process and our fellow Assembly Members for contributing such thoughtful and impactful budget amendments."


Forrest Dunbar, Budget and Finance Committee, Co-Chair,

Austin Quinn-Davidson, Budget and Finance Committee, Co-Chair,