Assembly Kicks Off 2024 Municipal Budget Review


​10/13/2023 11:55AM Update: The press release incorrectly stated the Assembly would vote on the budget at their Regular Assembly Meeting on Nov. 24. Please be advised that the Regular Assembly Meeting is scheduled on Tuesday, November 21. 

At an Assembly work session this Friday, the Assembly will begin its review of the 2024 budget with presentations from the administration on Mayor Bronson's proposed budget.

“As Co-Chairs of the Budget and Finance Committee, Assembly Member Brawley and I invite the public to join us at our work sessions and public hearings as we work through the Municipal Budget cycle," said Assembly Vice Chair Meg Zaletel. “Passing a balanced, responsible budget on time is the Assembly's biggest responsibility and we are fully committed to getting across the finish line with a budget we can be proud of."

“The municipal budget affects everyone – from the number of books on library shelves or our ability to upkeep our playgrounds and parks, to the quality of our roads and the response times of emergency services. There are few things in our daily lives that aren't impacted by the municipal budget," said Assembly Member Anna Brawley. “We firmly believe that Anchorage is a community worth investing in and we look forward to working with the administration to pass a responsible budget that focuses on public safety and maintaining a high quality of life for all residents."

Assembly Budget Worksession (1 of 3)
Friday, October 13, 11-4pm at City Hall, Suite 155

2024 Budget Schedule
·        Oct 2: Mayor submits budget and six-year fiscal program to Assembly
·        Oct. 10: Formal introduction of mayor's budgets to Assembly
·        Oct. 13: Assembly work session on general government operating & capital budgets
·        Oct. 27: Assembly work session on enterprise and utilities operating & capital budgets
·        Oct. 24: First public hearing on the budget at Regular Assembly meeting
·        Nov. 7: Second public hearing on the budget at Regular Assembly meeting
·        Nov. 9: Assembly work session on Assembly-proposed budget amendments
·        Nov. 21: Assembly budget vote at Regular Assembly meeting

Process Overview
Each year, around October 1, the Mayor submits a budget to the Assembly that includes the General Operating Budget, the Capital Improvement Program (bonds and state/federal/private fund requests), and the Utilities/Enterprise budgets. After reviewing the budget, asking questions of the Administration in work sessions, and listening to community input, the Assembly then makes amendments to the budget based on their findings. The budget is typically passed by the Assembly at the last Regular Meeting in November and it is enacted by the Mayor and their administration on January 1 of the following year.
Budget Documents


Meg Zaletel | Budget and Finance Committee, Co-Chair,
Anna Brawley | Budget and Finance Committee, Co-Chair,