Assembly Kicks Off Review of 2024 Municipal Capital Funding Requests


The Anchorage Assembly will begin their review of potential capital project funding requests at a worksession this Friday​, August 25 from 1-2pm at City Hall, Suite 155.

Each year as part of the municipal budget approval process, the Administration presents a Capital Improvement Plan (the six-year outlook for municipal capital requests) and a Capital Improvement Budget (the upcoming year's specific requests) to the Assembly for approval alongside the municipal operating budget. Priorities from these documents, which include road projects, park upgrades, library renovations and more, are what make up the bond propositions that go to the voters for approval and to the Alaska Legislature and Alaska congressional delegation for state and federal funding requests.

In the past, the Assembly began review of the capital projects in late October. In an effort to provide more transparency and opportunities for community input, the Assembly is beginning the process earlier this year. The upcoming worksession to review past municipal capital projects and community council wish lists is the first step. Additional worksessions on the topic will be held in September and October.

Schedule for Review and Approval of 2024 Municipal Capital Funding Requests

  • August 25, 1-2pm: Assembly worksession on past Capital Improvement projects & Community Council Surveys
  • September 8, 1-2:30pm: Assembly worksession on 120-Day Budget Memo
  • October 19, time tbd: Assembly worksession #1 on General Government Operating and Capital Budgets
  • October 24, Regular Assembly Meeting: Public hearing #1 on budget
  • October 26, time tbd: Assembly worksession #2 on General Government Operating and Capital Budgets
  • November 7, Regular Assembly Meeting: Public hearing #2 on budget
  • November 17, time tbd: Assembly worksession on proposed budget amendments
  • November 21, Regular Assembly Meeting: Assembly amendments and adoption of budget



Christopher Constant | Assembly Chair,
Meg Zaletel | Assembly Vice Chair,