Assembly Members Introduce “Anchorage Goes” Bond Proposal


During tonight's Regular Assembly Meeting, Assembly Members Anna Brawley, Christopher Constant and Meg Zaletel introduced “Anchorage Goes," a proposal to add an area-wide $12.5 million bond package to the 2024 Regular Municipal Election ballot to purchase and deploy up to 30 public restrooms, the Portland Loo or a similar product, across the Municipality.

​Read the Bond Proposal   Read the Assembly Memorandum​

“Alongside drinking fountains, seating areas and green spaces, public restrooms are vital amenities that make a city vibrant and welcoming," said Assembly Member Anna Brawley. “'Anchorage Goes' is a forward-thinking investment that serves our neighbors, our elders, our families, and our visitors for the cost of a couple cups of coffee."

The proposition poses an increase in taxes of approximately $2.54 for each $100,000 of assessed taxable property value. A public hearing for the bond proposition is scheduled for the Regular Assembly Meeting on November 7, 2023.

“'Anchorage Goes' brings ADA-accessible, secure, sturdy, and sanitary portable restrooms to Anchorage," said Assembly Vice Chair Meg Zaletel. “These are already being used in Alaskan communities, including Kodiak and Ketchikan, so we are confident the model will work in our wild, urban context."

"It's long past time the people of Anchorage provide public facilities to our friends, neighbors and visitors​ in our public spaces," said Assembly Chair Christopher Constant. 

If approved by the Assembly, the $12.5 million bond package will be presented to qualified, registered voters during the 2024 Regular Municipal Election on Tuesday, April 2, 2024.


Anna Brawley | District 3,
Christopher Constant | District 1,
Meg Zaletel | District 4,