Assembly Sets Public Hearing to Authorize Funds for Proposed Settlements


At a Special Meeting last week, the Anchorage Assembly set a public hearing date for AR 2023-162, a resolution to appropriate $827,500 to settle claims against the Municipality of Anchorage.

The proposed resolution would authorize funding to settle wrongful termination claims made separately by Ms. Amy Demboski and Ms. Heather MacAlpine against the Administration. 

“It’s our intent to change the order of the day on May 23 to take up this public hearing early in the agenda,” said Assembly Chair Christopher Constant

“The resolution before us today doesn’t name a fund source,” said Assembly Vice Chair Meg Zaletel. “I hope to see a substitute version that corrects this issue before the public hearing so that we and the public are clear whether or not the settlements are outside of the tax cap.”

AR 2023-162 is scheduled for public hearing at the Regular Assembly Meeting on May 23, 2023. You are invited to share input on this change:


Christopher Constant | District 1, North Anchorage

Meg Zaletel | District 4, Midtown