Assembly to Consider Clean Slate Site Selection Criteria July 11


Today, Assembly Member Felix Rivera, Chair of the Housing & Homelessness Committee, announced that criteria to select a site for the Municipality’s new permanent, year-round low-barrier shelter will be brought to the Assembly for a public hearing on July 11.
In alignment with the Clean Slate Strategy, adopted by AR 2023-97, As Amended, the Assembly Housing & Homelessness Committee and the Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness hosted a series of town halls in early June to discuss what well-run shelters could look like in the Municipality of Anchorage. The Clean Slate Strategy aims to open an operational, year-round low-barrier shelter by November 1, 2023.
Community feedback informed the committee’s resolution, which establishes required and preferred criteria to screen potential locations for the new shelter. The resolution will be introduced at the June 20 Regular Assembly Meeting.
“Public process is essential to the Clean Slate Strategy,” said Member Rivera. “This is the first time our community has deliberately discussed how we choose where to provide low-barrier shelter. Thank you to those who participated in the conversation to get us here and welcome to those who are now joining. While the item will appear on our June 20 agenda as a resolution for action, it is my intent to pull the item so that we can set a public hearing on July 11. We look forward to hearing from you.”



Felix Rivera | District 4