Complex Behavioral Health Needs - Immediate Solutions Recommendations


​​​Yesterday, the Complex Behavioral Health Needs Community Task Force released its Immediate Solutions Recommendations report as required by AR 2023-145, As Amended.

“Behavioral health is an extraordinarily complex issue that we’ve had difficulty grappling with for years, so the job we have as a task force can’t be done without state and local partners coming together,” said Thea Agnew Bemben, convener of the task force. “My hope is that these immediate recommendations can be acted upon urgently with new resources to fill gaps and that we can work together over the next few months to tackle some of the root causes that lead people with serious and chronic health issues to be living unsheltered or unhoused in our community.” 

The task force is comprised mainly of healthcare providers and representatives of organizations who work with individuals who have complex behavioral health needs. In total, 37 individuals helped to craft the recommendations over the course of four meetings. 

“I want to give my deepest thanks to all the task force members who put in their time, energy, and talent to come up with these recommendations,” said Felix Rivera, District 4 Assembly Member and Chair of the Assembly’s Housing and Homelessness Committee. “We know that the Municipality can’t fill the gaps in our behavioral health needs on its own and I appreciate everyone who came to the table on this incredibly difficult issue.” 

The task force will reconvene this summer to begin its work on the Medium to Long Term Solutions Recommendations report, which is due in September. 

“We’ve seen what gaps in our behavioral health system have caused over the years in the Municipality. There is amazing work happening with the Crisis Now Group and these recommendations by the task force add even more options for us to consider,” said Daniel Volland, District 1 Assembly Member and Chair of the Assembly’s Health Policy Committee. “I look forward to working with various state agencies to help these recommendations become a reality. We can’t do this without their partnership.” 

The Immediate Solutions Recommendations report will be on the June 6, 2023, Assembly agenda for acceptance and will be added to a future Health Policy Committee meeting agenda for review. 

More information on the Complex Behavioral Needs Task Force, the Sanctioned Camps Task Force and the Assembly's Clean Slate strategy can be found on the Assembly's Homelessness Focus webpage.



Felix Rivera | District 4

Daniel Volland | District 1