Member Rivera Agrees with Mayoral Position on the Arctic Recreation Center


​Assembly Member Felix Rivera, representing District 4, Midtown, has released the following statement statement regarding Mayor Bronson’s recent press release regarding the Arctic Recreation Center:

"I want to thank Mayor Bronson for his stated opposition to usage of the Arctic Recreation Center as a permanent year-round low-barrier shelter. I am glad there is alignment between the two of us on this topic. My position was set out in the original version of the “Clean Slate Strategy” resolution I crafted which was laid on the table and put before the body on Tuesday, March 21.

My resolution sought to take off the table for consideration the usage of the Arctic Recreation Center as shelter. Although a majority of the Assembly decided to remove this stipulation from the resolution, my position remains the same: the Arctic Recreation Center, despite whatever promises I may feel it could have, should be taken off the table for consideration for the benefit of the community and for the sake of achieving the goal of creating a new permanent year-round low-barrier shelter by the end of the year.

As I stated during debate on my resolution, I plan on bringing this item back before the body when the new Assembly members are sworn in. I urge the Mayor to work with me at that time to achieve our common goal."



Felix Rivera | Assembly Committee on Housing & Homelessness Chair