Members Zaletel, Cross and Volland Propose Substitute Residential Zoning Reform



Today, Anchorage Assembly Members Meg Zaletel, Kevin Cross and Daniel Volland published a proposal to substitute AO 2023-66, an ordinance to revise Title 21 – Land Use to consolidate all residential zoning districts in alignment with the Anchorage 2040 Land Use Plan (2040 LUP).  

Members Zaletel and Cross introduced AO 2023-66 in May​ and presented their proposal at two worksessions this month. Member Volland joined Members Zaletel and Cross to sponsor the substitute version. Public testimony on the item will open at the Regular Assembly Meeting today and will continue to an August meeting.  ​

“We introduced this proposal to start a conversation," said Member Cross, who represents District 2, Chugiak/Eagle River, “and I'm proud to say we did just that. Thanks to the feedback from other members, industry experts and our neighbors, our new proposal simplifies Title 21 with the intention to empower residential development that aligns with the Anchorage 2040 Land Use Plan."

While the original version​ proposed consolidating all residential zones in all parts of the Municipality into two zones, the substitute version further simplifies the proposal by creating a single residential zone, effective January 1, 2025. If approved, the ordinance would initiate an 18-month process to revise Title 21 consistent with the 2040 LUP.

“Our substitute version honors the 2040 LUP and 2020 Comprehensive Plan," said Member Zaletel, who represents District 4, Midtown. “By simplifying residential zoning, we can create more predictability and tightly link Title 21 to the goals of our community's land use plans."

“Realistically, we are nowhere near realizing the vision of the 2040 LUP by 2040," said Member Volland, who represents District 1, North Anchorage. “I believe our adopted plans make a case for simplifying zoning and lowering barriers to diverse housing options. The intention is not to throw the residential elements of Title 21 out entirely, but to make them more workable and universal where appropriate. This can be part of a broader effort to mobilize a housing market that offers bountiful, affordable and safe housing across all income levels."

AO 2023-66 is scheduled for public hearing at the next Regular Assembly Meeting on July 25, 2023. You are invited to share input on this change:



Meg Zaletel | District 4,
Kevin Cross | District 2,
Daniel Volland | District 1,