Sanctioned Camp Community Task Force Recommendations on June 6 Agenda



Today, Assembly Member Felix Rivera, Chair of the Committee on Housing & Homelessness announced that a sanctioned camp resolution will be on the agenda at the June 6 Regular Assembly Meeting and an Assembly worksession on the topic will be held on June 2.

“It is critical that members of the public are aware of the work happening in the publicly noticed Sanctioned Camp Community Task Force meetings," said Felix Rivera, District 4 Assembly Member and Chair of the Assembly's Housing and Homelessness Committee. “I invite our community to weigh in on the sanctioned camp resolution crafted by the task force to address immediate needs that will be before the Assembly on June 6."

A worksession has been scheduled for the sanctioned camp resolution on Friday, June 2 from 10:50am to 12:50pm at City Hall, 632 W 6th Ave, in room 155. Worksessions are opportunities for members of the Anchorage Assembly to discuss ordinances, resolutions, or other topics amongst themselves and with the Municipal administration or other third parties, but members of the public are invited to attend and listen in and talk with Assembly members after the worksession has ended.

original resolution was brought forward for possible introduction at the May 23 Regular meeting, but did not receive enough votes to be added to the agenda as a “laid on the table" item, and therefore was not discussed at that meeting. An updated version of the resolution will be presented at the worksession on Friday, June 2 and will be uploaded to the Homelessness Focus website as soon as it is available.


Felix Rivera | Housing & Homelessness Committee Chair, District 4, Midtown​