
​Anchorage Sister Cities

The next meeting of the Anchorage Sister Cities Commission is scheduled for Wednesday, May 31 at 6 p.m. in Rm 830 City Hall, 632 W. 6th Ave., Anchorage, and also via Microsoft Teams - Click here to join meeting​

Members of the ​​community are welcome and encouraged to attend. 

"The Sister Cities program is an important resource to the negotiations of governments in letting the people themselves give expression of their common desire for friendship, goodwill and cooperation for a better world." President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Sister Cities Interna​tional grew out of the "People-to-People" concept proposed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower at a White House conference in 1956.

The Anchorage Sister Cities Commission was established in 1970, and became a full Commission in 1972. Its formation formally recognized the importance of cultural sport and educational exchange programs between Anchorage and other foreign cities as a means to foster mutual respect and goodwill.

The Commission is composed of Anchorage citizens appo​inted by the Mayor. Commissioners come from diverse groups within the community including the fields of government, commerce, and education, as well as representatives of various ethnic communities. The members volunteer their time and efforts. The Sister Cities Commission also assists in hosting functions on behalf of Anchorage for visiting citizens and dignitaries from its sister cities. Commission meetings are held monthly and are open to the public.

For more information, email the Anchorage Sister Cities Commission at AnchorageSisterCitiesCommission@muni.org or visit the commission website HERE

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Interested in joining the commission?  Apply here!





