Karol Benroth, Carly's CREATE Recipient and Counselor with Carly and Mayor Sullivan
Carly Caudle has already faced some unique challenges in her young life that an adult may never have to face.
When she was four years old, she drowned. She credits her Dad for her life and does not consider her significant hearing loss sustained from the accident a disability, nor does she feel sorry for herself. She understands that without her hearing aids she wouldn’t be able to hear and says about being bullied “A lot of kids get picked on and face struggles every day in life. It takes time to adjust to people with struggles and I struggle every day with my hearing loss.”
There’s more to her personal story. When Carly was nine years old her Dad passed away, which left her Mother with nine young children to raise. It was a very hard life for the entire family. Carly, along with the older siblings, have stepped up to care for the family. She knows one person can’t do it all. She is a positive force that is contagious.
Carly does not dwell on her challenges, she is always positive, and a very hard-working young lady. She volunteers to help with things that are not always measurable. Whenever there’s a new student or a student who needs tutoring or some extra help, Carly helps them – without wanting credit or recognition. She is one of Bartlett’s best peer mentors. She helps with 8th Grade Study Skills classes to prepare students for high school and to not be afraid because they may be “different.” She lets counselors know when she’s worried about students or issues that may need some extra help or attention and brainstorms about what can be done to help them.
Carly makes a positive impact on our community and she wants to continue to serve kids with disabilities. She wants to be a Study Skills Teacher, Counselor and work her way up to be a Social Worker. She wants to help kids follow their dreams and get an education because she believes that every child can be anything they want to be.
Carly’s Nominator and School Counselor Karol Benroth added:
Although she lets me know how I touched her life, I am the one who has benefitted from her touching my life. She is one of the kindest souls you would ever meet.