Mayor Sullivan Welcomes Amendment to Alaska’s Little Davis-Bacon Act
Posted: 8/1/11
It was my pleasure to be present for the signing of House Bill 155 (HB155) that amends Alaska’s Little Davis-Bacon Act (LDBA). HB155 increases the dollar threshold that public works contracts must meet before they qualify for prevailing wages. Before amendment, Alaska’s LDBA applied to public construction contracts greater than $2,000; HB155 amends that threshold upward to $25,000. The change allows municipalities to be more competitive in contracting for smaller construction projects, which saves the city money.
I worked with Kenai Peninsula Borough Mayor Dave Carey to promote a resolution at last year’s Alaska Municipal League Annual Local Government Conference that supported a change to the law. I am pleased to see the Legislature, particularly bill sponsor Rep. Kurt Olson and Gov. Sean Parnell, support a reasonable adjustment to the law.

Mayor Sullivan, Representative Holmes, Representative Olson, Senator Linda Menard watch as Governor Parnell Signs the bill into law.