Exemplary Municipal Operations -
Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Municipal operations to deliver services faster and better.
The administration will continue to create cost saving measures through organizational efficiencies while focusing on organizational effectiveness. Accessibility, transparency, and responsiveness are objectives of this administration. Using data to drive decisions and prevent wasteful spending through examining actual outcomes is paramount. The administration will look for continued opportunities to develop public-private opportunities while exploring shared opportunities for shared services with the Anchorage School District, University of Alaska, State of Alaska and Joint Base Elemendorf-Richardson.
Department Goals that Contribute to Achieving the Mayor's Mission:
Development Services Department
Ensure development-related infrastructure is designed and constructed according to municipal design criteria, standards, codes, and practices.
Equity & Justice Department
- Establish baseline equity data targets/benchmarks in collaboration with partners and establish goals and initiatives to make progress and processes to track outcomes.
- Develop methods to determine how disparate impacts will be documented and evaluated.
- Collect, evaluate, and analyze indicators and progress benchmarks related to addressing systemic disparities.
Finance Department - Controller Division
- Report fairly, without material misstatement, the financial results of the Municipality of Anchorage on an annual basis.
- Maintain a system of internal controls such that transactions are accurately recorded on a timely basis to reduce the risk of fraud and error.
- Record transactions accurately and timely.
- Pay vendors accurately and timely.
Finance Department - Public Finance and Investments Division
- Maintain a rating of at least “AA" for the MOA's general obligation bonds.
- Refund any outstanding debt that provides a minimum net present value savings and provide the most cost-effective source of financing for all departments of the MOA.
- Invest only in securities that comply with AMC at the time of investment.
- Provide an investment return, gross of fees, that outperforms the respective benchmark for each portfolio manager within the MCP.
Finance Department - Treasury Division
- Enforce and increase collections of all valid taxes and delinquent fines and fees owed to the Municipality.
- Promote and improve timely posting and analysis of municipal revenues.
Fire Department
- Maintain high level of responsiveness to the building community
Health Department
- Increase the well-being of children and the public through response to reports of child treatment concerns (abuse, neglect, injury, supervision, safety hazards, etc.) in childcare facilities.
- Improve response to animal-bites/attacks complaints in the Municipality.
- Maximize industry compliance with safe food handling practices by inspecting facilities and effectively enforcing regulations.
- Enhance readiness to respond to public health emergencies by training Anchorage Health Department staff as members of the Crisis Health Action Team (CHAT).
Human Resources Department
- Centralize and streamline administrative functions to improve performance and conserve resources.
- Improve the administration, consistency, and accuracy of the position classification system.
- Negotiate fiscally responsible collective bargaining agreements with economic terms that do not to exceed average 5-year CPI.
- Negotiate and administer collective bargaining agreements that maximize management flexibility.
- Leverage technology to provide employees with self-service access to administrative information and processes.
- Savings resulting from employees choosing lower cost benefit options.
Information Technology Department
- Provide stable remote work access for MOA employees.
- Improve IT service delivery to MOA employees.
- Develop processes, standards and policies, apply industry best practice frameworks to operate the Information Technology Department efficiently.
- Implement IT tools and solutions to improve MOA resource efficiency.
- Refresh aging IT infrastructure and implement scalable infrastructure to meet MOA growth needs.
Internal Audit Department
- Provide the Assembly and Mayor with objective information by completing the requested audits and special projects in the approved annual audit plan.
Maintenance & Operations Department
- Minimize the downtime of Fire, Police, and General Government personnel.
- Improve response times to prioritized work order requests.
Management & Budget Department
- Improve the quality of the budget-related information provided to residents and decision-makers by continuing to receive the “Distinguished Budget Presentation Award" from Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).
- Improve accuracy of Assembly documents prepared by departments.
- Maintain the Mayor's “Performance. Value. Results" performance-based management initiative.
- Improve departments' understanding of Intra-governmental charge (IGC) system.
- Ensure departments are satisfactorily served.
Municipal Attorney Department
- Low incidence of remand or reversal on appeal
- Improve timeframe between hearing and decision
Municipal Manager Department
- Improve organization efficiency and effectiveness by improving process and procedures.
Municipal Manager Department - Risk Management Division
- 24-hour claimant contact and zero Workers' Compensation late payment penalties.
- Recover $1,000,000 annually in damage to MOA property.
- Assure a 24 hour turn around on all permits, contracts & Request for Proposal (RFP).
- Hold insurance renewals to expiring premiums or less annually for both the MOA and ASD. Inventory is added as acquired.
- Lower the cost of Municipal operations by reducing both the number of accidents and the severity of accidents in workers' compensation, auto liability and general liability exposures.
Parks & Recreation Department
- Engage residents and user groups to actively participate and volunteer in park projects and stewardship.
- Foster public-private partnerships to diversity funding sources for capital improvement projects through state and federal grants, volunteer support and private contributions.
- Maximize budgeted resources through effective scheduling of facility hours and programs to align with community demand.
- Reorganization of Park Maintenance, Horticulture, Community Work Service and the Cemetery operation to be more effective and efficient through strategic and data driven change.
Planning Department
- Engage the community in land use planning activities to make decisions about land uses and transportation, as well as public facilities, economic development, housing, and other public issues that are vital to a healthy and livable community.
- Review and make necessary changes to codes, regulations, land use approval, building permit and other processes to reduce barriers to housing and non-residential development.
- Incorporate the necessary tools and training for staff to serve the public effectively.
Project Management & Engineering
- Design capital improvement projects that are cost-effective, maintenance-friendly and clearly communicate design intent to construction contractor within the schedule specified in the Capital Improvement Program.
Public Transportation Department
- Provide a cost-effective service by maximizing local tax dollars which support transit efforts in coordination with eligible state and federal grants.
- Maximize administrative resources to reduce redundancy, promote concise processes, and clear communication.
- Maintain hardware and software applications for providing automated operating systems to meet the needs of transit customers most efficiently and effectively.
- Ensure effective and efficient bus route planning and scheduling.
- Provide education and outreach to social service organizations serving the homeless population.
- Treat all individuals with dignity and respect, serve the entire community.
- Provide training and education for public transportation employees to be more effective and responsive to those who are experiencing homelessness.
- Explore best practices in three key areas: engagement and support, engineering and maintenance, and enforcement and monitoring.
Purchasing Department
- Provide departments with the knowledge needed to successfully procure items/services at the best value for the City with minimal difficulty (standardize and streamline processes).
- Ensure that procurements are made in compliance with all laws and policies.
- Provide contract administration training to departments.
- Provide training to departments on the purchasing processes.
- Continue to work with and explore alternative procurement methods when contracting situations would benefit from their use.
Real Estate Department
- Generate revenue through disposals and use permits of HLB inventory provided to municipal and other agencies, and to the private sector.
- Annual tax foreclosure process: Collection of delinquent property taxes and assessments.
- Annual process for taking Clerk's Deed and subsequent sale of deeded properties via sealed bid auction.
- Review all contract files annually to maintain current and accurate information and contractor compliance.
Traffic Engineering Department
- Timely investigation and response to community traffic inquiries.
- Traffic operation improvements that maximize transportation safety and system efficiency.