Mayor Bronson Opposes Arctic Recreation Center as Homeless Shelter

Mayor's Office


Anchorage, AK – Today, Mayor Dave Bronson released the following statement concerning the Arctic Recreation Center (ARC):

“Last Friday, I held a town hall at the ARC to engage the public about the future of this wonderful facility. Hundreds of Anchorage residents were in attendance, and dozens shared their thoughts about Assembly Member Felix Rivera's proposal of turning the ARC into a low-barrier homeless shelter. The testimony I heard was overwhelmingly against this idea, from both those who spoke up and the responses given by those in attendance.

Prior to the town hall I talked with leadership from the Midtown Community Council, visited the ARC multiple times to see their programs and meet patrons, and engaged with church leadership who owns the property. Likewise, I had my staff review the property's zoning status, and we determined it is not zoned for use as a homeless shelter.

Before hearing from neighbors, surrounding businesses, and those in the area, the Assembly went to Juneau and lobbied legislators for $20 million to buy the ARC. Numerous members of the Assembly have spoken favorably about this idea, and Member Rivera went so far as to say it's a “very visionary and very good idea" for our community. This issue was presented to the neighborhood without the Assembly communicating with folks in the area. That is not good public process.

After thoughtfully listening to the public and hearing their feedback about the ARC, I have concluded that turning this facility into a homeless shelter is a bad idea. Taking away a valuable community asset where residents of all ages enjoy activities, and replacing it with a homeless shelter in the middle of a dense neighborhood surrounded by schools and dozens of businesses, makes no sense. I will not be supporting the purchase of the ARC for use as a homeless shelter.

​I remain committed to working with community partners, non-profits, churches, and the Assembly on fiscally prudent and compassionate solutions to reduce the number of homeless and unsheltered people in Anchorage."


Media Contact: Hans Rodvik, Deputy Communications Director, Mayor's Office,, 907-570-6646

