2018 Central Transfer Station Closure

The transfer station is now OPEN as of Sept. 4. 2018. Thank you for your patience!

Aug. 14 - Sept. 3

The Central Transfer Station will close for three weeks in order to complete major renovations to crucial infrastructure.

During that time the Department of Solid Waste Services will replace the transfer station tipping floor and commercial scales.

The transfer station will reopen Sept. 4. Closure dates may be subject to change.

Commercial and residential customers must bring all loads to Anchorage Regional Landfill located at 15500 E. Eagle River Loop Road. The landfill will open early to reflect transfer station operating hours.

Why close?

Approximately 40 million pounds of waste from the Municipality of Anchorage passes over the transfer station tipping floor each month. Loaders push that trash to cranes that pack it into transfer trailers. Those trailers then haul the trash to Anchorage Regional Landfill for final disposal.

The floor was last replaced in 1999. A 2015 study showed that up to 5 inches of the 8-inch floor has worn away in some parts.

Scales at the Central Transfer Station will also be replaced due to significant wear. They were last replaced in the late 1990s.

The total cost of improvements is $900,000.

What's next?

These are incremental fixes to the transfer station, which was originally constructed in 1975. The Municipality has outgrown the facility, resulting in long customer wait times and other inefficiencies in service.

As the transfer station continues to deteriorate more closures will be needed that will last significantly longer than three weeks.

SWS is working with consultants to determine solutions to the transfer station, including options that would include building a new facility at a different site. A new facility would mean shorter wait times for residents, improved public safety, increased recycling and waste diversion options, and more cost-effective operations.

Those plans will be available to the public in early 2019.

Anchorage Regional Landfill
Hours of Operation (Aug. 14-Sept. 3)

Monday through Friday: 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Closed Sunday


Contact Solid Waste Services Customer Service at (907) 343-6250 or email sws@muni.org