
Personal Property Appeal or Amend

FAQs about filing appeals

How to Appeal Personal Property

To file an appeal of the Assessor’s valuation of your property you must complete a written appeal form specifying the grounds for the appeal and pay a filing deposit. The form and deposit must be filed within 30 days from the date the assessment notice was mailed. You must also provide evidence supporting your appeal within 45 days from the date the assessment notice was mailed (30 days to file an appeal, plus 15 days to provide supporting evidence).  The Assessor may agree to extend this time limit under certain conditions. 

Appeal filing fee schedule:

 Assessed Value Filing Deposit 
 $100,000 - $499,999 $100
 $500,000 - $1,999,999$200
$2,000,000 or greater$1,000

The filing deposit will be refunded IF;  1) the appeal is resolved prior to the hearing OR;  2) you have provided the data and access required by the Assessor AND you appear at the hearing.

 A formal appeal may be avoided if you contact the Personal Property Section prior to the end of the thirty day appeal period and an appraiser is able to review your records and make adjustments to the assessed value prior to the appeal deadline. Under some circumstances you can also avoid the formal appeal process by filing an amended return. 

NOTE: Documents you wish to be considered as evidence must have been filed with the assessor within 45 days of the date assessment notices (yellow cards) were mailed, unless the Assessor agrees to an extension.  New or additional documentation may not be introduced at the hearing..

How to Amend your Business Property Assessment Return

Under Anchorage Municipal Code 12.10.040, taxpayers can amend their business property assessment return for the current year and one year back.

No special “Amendment” form is required, simply use the Business Property Assessment Return for the appropriate year, provided under Forms and Applications.  Check "Amended" in the upper right hand corner box of the return to indicate that you are filing an amended return. You must complete the entire return and you may want to provide a brief explanation of your reasons for amending or any significant changes that you make on the return.

If you don’t have any changes to the amounts originally reported, but still dispute the assessed value, see How to Appeal Your Assessed Value above.​

If a formal appeal is required, you must complete a written appeal form specifying the grounds for the appeal and pay a filing deposit.  If the appeal is resolved prior to the hearing, OR you have provided the data and access required by the assessor and you appear at the hearing, the filing deposit will be refunded. You must also provide evidence supporting your appeal within 45 days from the date the assessment notice was mailed (30 days to file an appeal plus 15 days to provide supporting evidence).  The assessor may agree to extend this time limit under certain conditions.  New or additional documentation may not be introduced at the hearing.  ​

Other Assistance
  • Board of Equalization Appeals Schedule  If you need assistance in completing the appeal form, contact the Property Appraisal Division (907) 343-6500.
  • If you need assistance with address corrections contact the Property Appraisal Division: (907) 343-6770.
  • Questions concerning payment of taxes, refunds, or minimum payments due must be directed to the Treasury Division Tax Section: (907) 343-6650 ​

Mailing Addresses & Phone Numbers
  • Property Appraisal Division
  • P.O. Box 196650
  • Anchorage, AK 99519-6650
  • Phone: (907) 343-6770
  • FAX: (907) 343-6599
  • Treasury Division Tax Section
  • P.O. Box 196650
  • Anchorage, AK 99519-6650
  • Phone: (907) 343-6650
  • Fax: (907) 343-6121​​