
Senior Citizens Advisory Commission Meeting -  Wednesday, February 26, 2025

​The purpose of the Senior Citizens Advisory Commission is to:

  • Advise the Mayor, the Assembly and appropriate department heads with respect to aspects of aging which bear upon the welfare of senior citizens;
  • Conduct surveys and compile and disseminate for the benefit of senior citizens information on housing, health, nutrition, transportation, education, recreation, legal services and social/mental health services;
  • Carry out educational and public relations programs designed to create public awareness of the needs of senior citizens and the community services which senior citizens can provide;
  • and Assist and provide programs that alert elderly persons of the resources and services available to them.

MEETING: The Commission meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month from 10:00 am to Noon​ at the Anchorage Senior Activity Center, 1300 E.19th Avenue and on Zoom.

Virtually on Zoom

Julie McFarland hosting recurring Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 2551 6273​
Passcode: 877033 

.​​For more information about the Senior Citizens Advisory Commission contact Judy Atkins at 907-343-6590 or Judith.Atkins@anchorageak.gov​


Abrianna Haring-Brito, Chair

Traci Willett, Vice Chair

Suzanne Hickel

Deborah Bear​


Gordon Glaser

Jim Bailey​