
​​​​Join us for the Merrill Field Hangar Party!

The 2024 Merrill Field Hangar Party will bring aviators, aviation-enthusiasts, and neighboring communities together to re-kindle old friendships and create new ones. We'll have wonderful aircraft on display, historical military vehicles, Anchorage Fire & Police Department vehicles, and more!


The Municipality of Anchorage and University of Alaska at Anchorage (UAA) are co-sponsors this year along with​​ FAA, NATCA &FAAMA. UAA's Aviation Technology Center is providing their hangar and ramp for our festivities. In the hangar will be cool aviation-related exhibits from UAA, Anchorage School District, and local flight schools. Local aviation organizations, chapters, and clubs will also tell the stories of their activities on Merrill Field and Alaska. Our adjacent communities are invited to join the fun and learn more about the importance of what we do here at the Airport.


Mark your calendar for Saturday, July 27th, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM to be a part of an annual celebration of aviation at Merrill Field Airport!​

​Saturday, July 27 from 10AM to 2PM
UAA Hangar on Merrill Field​
Parking in UAA Lot
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