Barbara Street Park
3108 Brookside Dr/3109 Barbara St
Barbara Street Park is a 3.21 acre neighborhood use park in the Spenard community. This park features a lit trail that connects to the Fish Creek Trail, a quiet area with a bench midway through the park, and an ADA accessible play area for 2-5 year olds.
In 1971, the park was deeded to the city and developed in 1972.
In 2003, the play equipment was replaced with ADA accessible toddler equipment.
Report Cards and Funding
In 2011, neighbors and community members filled out a report card and identified several issues including concerns about graffiti within the park and they noted they would like to see wooden benches installed, bollards repainted, and flowers planted.
Funding for this project comes from an Anchorage Park Foundatin Challenge Grant, individual donations, and the Reitman Foundation.
Summer 2016 Improvements
This project is being completed in conjunction with the Kiwanis Fish Creek Park improvements.
Volunteer Fix-It Event
Saturday, July 30 - 9am-12pm (Fish Creek Corridor)
RSVP to Volunteer Coordinator Michelle Fehribach.