Plan Overview
The Eastchester Park Master Plan outlines a 20-year vision for the park's management, maintenance, and development. Created with input from residents and park user groups, the Plan identifies and prioritizes park improvements for future funding.
About the Park
Eastchester Park is an 80-acre stretch of the Chester Creek Greenbelt between the New Seward Highway and Lake Otis Parkway. Eastchester contains two neighborhood play areas commonly known as Woodside Park and Hillstrand Pond Park. A one-mile segment of the Lanie Fleischer Chester Creek Trail travels through the park. A short natural trail connects the Anchorage Senior Center to the Chester Creek Trail. This park is part of three community councils: Fairview, Rogers Park, and Airport Heights.
A planning and public involvement process will inventory existing conditions of parks, trails, and recreation facilities; identify issues to be addressed in the park system; and establish community priorities for future park and trail improvements.
- Project kick-off with introductions to the Fairview, Rogers Park, and Airport Heights Community Councils and the Parks and Recreation Commission
- Form Community Advisory Group, a committee of stakeholders and park neighbors
Public outreach included:
Advisory Group meetings
- Picnic in the Park, a pop-up planning event
- Park Audit hosted by 8 80 Cities and AARP
- Winter Workshop, an open house at the Fairview Recreation Center
Spring/Summer: Plan drafting
- Airport Heights Community Council
- Rogers Park Community Council
- Fairview Community Council (Public Meeting): December 12, 6:30 p.m. at the Fairview Recreation Center
March 2025: Planning and Zoning Commission hearing planned for March 10
The Master Plan public process was completed by Parks and Recreation staff. Voter-approved bonds for park improvements passed in 2022 for $325,000 and in 2024 for $300,000.