Anchorage Parks and Recreation

Eastchester Park Master Plan

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​Plan Ov​erview

The Eastchester Park Master Plan outlines a 20-year vision for the park's management, maintenance, and development. Created with input from residents and park user groups, the Plan identifies and prioritizes park improvements for future funding.​​

About the Park

Eastchester Park is an 80-acre stretch of the Chester Creek Greenbelt between the New Seward Highway and Lake Otis Parkway. Eastchester contains two neighborhood play areas commonly known as Woodside Park and Hillstrand​ Pond Park. A one-mile segment of the Lanie Fleischer Chester Creek Trail travels through the park. A short natural trail connects the Anchorage Senior Center to the Chester Creek Trail. This park is part of three community councils: Fairview, Rogers Park, and Airport Heights.


A planning and public involvement process will inventory existing conditions of parks, trails, and recreation facilities; identify issues to be addressed in the park system; and establish community priorities for future park and trail improvements.


    Pop-up event in the park
  • Project kick-off with introductions to the Fairview, Rogers Park, and Airport Heights Community Councils and the Parks and Recreation Commission
  • Form Community Advisory Group, a committee of stakeholders and park neighbors
  • Public outreach included:
    • ​Advisory Group meetings 
    • Picnic in the Park, a pop-up planning event
    • Park Audit hosted by 8 80 Cities and AARP
    • Winter Workshop, an open house at the Fairview Recreation Center


  • Spring/Summer: Plan drafting
  • Fall/Winter
    • Airport Heights Community Council
    • Rogers Park Community Council​
    • Fairview Community Council (Public Meeting): December 12, 6:30 p.m. at the Fairview Recreation Center
  • March 2025: Planning and Zoning Commission hearing planned for March 10


The Master Plan public process was completed​ by Parks and Recreation staff. ​​​Voter-approved bonds for park improvements passed in 2022 for $325,000 and in 2024 for $300,000.

Project Information


Current status: Approvals
Anticipated completion: 2025


Nicolette Dent, Park Planner
