Margaret Eagan Sullivan Park Playground Improvements
Project Backgroun
In 2006, the South Addition Community Council (SACC) approached the Parks & Recreation Planning staff with the idea of creating a playground within Margaret Eagan Sullivan Park near the Covey Café. Parks & Recreation planning staff was supportive of the idea and encouraged the community council to continue their refinement and development of the project. The SACC applied and received funding from the State Legislature to begin the planning work required to see their vision to fruition. The SACC also obtained the in-kind donation of services from a local landscape architecture firm to help them develop a conceptual design for the improvements. In cooperation with park planning staff, the SACC is continuing the development of their site design and planning process.
Community Need
Currently within SACC, there are two playgrounds located at Frontierland Park on the corner of E St. and 10th Avenue and Valley of the Moon Park on Arctic Blvd. and Chester Creek. While these playgrounds are located with the SACC boundaries, they serve only the east side of the SACC area within walking distance. The Anchorage Bowl Park, Natural Resource, and Recreation Facility Plan (2006) identified the desired level of service for neighborhood parks and playgrounds to be within a ¼ walking distance for neighborhood use. This playground would serve the western portion of the SACC area and would be consistent with the Anchorage Bowl Park, Natural Resource, and Recreation Facility Plan objectives.
Community Support
This project has been driven by the SACC in cooperation with Parks & Recreation and the Turnagain Community Council (TCC). SACC members served on the Chester Creek Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Project Public Advisory Group and have presented the concept to the TCC as part of their outreach. The SACC and TCC are both very supportive of this playground concept and have communicated that support to the park planning staff and the Parks and Recreation Commission. The SACC has also passed a resolution in favor of the concept of constructing a playground at the proposed location.
Improvement Overview
Based on extensive public input concerning desires at the park, the SACC prioritized potential improvements at the park. The improvement concept includes three new playground pods themed for different age groups, along with upgrades to the parking area, Covy Cafe and pathways, a rain garden and port-a-potty screens.
Park Improvement Concept
Please send comments to the below contact.
Suzanne R. Little
Senior Parks Planner
632 West 6th Avenue, Suite 630|
Anchorage, AK 99510
phone: 343-4586