Project Overview
The Russian Jack Springs Park (RJSP) Master Plan was approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission in January 2022 and by the Planning and Zoning Commission in April 2022. One of the major recommendations of the RJSP Master Plan was to “upgrade and maintain existing paved multi-use trails including pavement replacement, site line improvements, additional lighting, and bridge upgrades.”
In 2023, the Russian Jack Springs Park (RJSP) Trail and Bridge Improvement project was approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission, bid awarded, and then completed in 2024. This Project included construction of over 2,800 linear feet of multi-use paved trail and installation of a 65-foot steel bridge over the middle fork of the Chester Creek, replacing an aging wooden bridge. These upgrades have improved safety and trail users experience and will allow for improved year-round maintenance.
March, 2022: Russian Jack Community Council and Northeast Community Council presentations and review
April, 2022: Parks and Recreation Commission approval
Summer, 2022: Design revisions based on community feedback
Spring, 2023: Project bidding
Summer, 2023 - Fall, 2024: Trail construction and bridge replacement
2019: Voters approve bond for $350,000
2020: Voters approve bond for $300,000
2021: Voters approve bond for $200,000
2022: Voters approve bond for $300,000
Total Funding: $1,150,000
The proposed total development budget for this project phase is estimated at $1M ($450K for trail improvements and $550K for steel bridge replacements) with funding from 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 Park Bonds and re-appropriated funding from the State of Alaska.