University Lake Park Master Plan
The University Lake Park Master Plan was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission in January 2017.

University Lake Park is located in the heart of the UMED District and is popular among a wide range of user groups. On any given day, a visitor is likely to encounter dog walkers, bike commuters, runners, medical patients, tourist, students, and local wildlife.
Providing for the diverse needs of these many user groups presents Parks and Recreation with some unique maintenance and management challenges. To address these challenges, Anchorage Parks and Recreation worked with stakeholders and user groups to develop a master plan for University Lake Park.
The University Lake Park master plan provides a 20 year vision for the park. It identifies current and future needs, address issues and concerns, and establish a framework for future development, management and maintenance of the park.
University Lake Park is a 64 acre park located in the UMED District of Anchorage. The park is classified as a Natural Resource Area in the 2006 Anchorage Bowl Parks, Natural Resource Use, & Recreation Facilities Plan.
University Lake Park is located east of Elmore Rd. between Alaska Pacific University and the ANTHC medical campus. To the east and south is a popular multi-use trail connecting the Chester Creek Trail and the Campbell Creek Trail.
In 1984, negotiations began for the purchase of what is now University Lake Park. The property was acquired through a land trade with Heritage Land Bank (HLB) for the purpose of parks and recreation.
University Lake, formerly Behm Lake, was a gravel pit used in the 1960's to develop lands in the University Area. Around 1980, Chester Creek was diverted to flow through University Lake. In 2003, the Anchorage Assembly passed AO No. 2003-108(s) authorizing off-leash dog park spaces at five municipal parks including University Lake Park.
In 2016, Anchorage Parks and Recreation worked with an advisory group to develop a master plan for University Lake Park. The master plan received resolutions of support from the University Area Community Council, the Parks and Recreation Commission, and the Planning and Zoning Commission.