Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Lisa Kruse 8/5/2005 12:33:21 PM
I frequent the Coastal Trail, Elderberry Park, Delaney Park, Lynn Ary Park and other parks along the way on a daily basis. My quality of life, living in Anchorage is very dependent on access and availability of green spaces. Thank you Anchorage for maintaining our parks! ~ Lisa
Scott Pexton 3/2/2005 6:05:34 PM
Anchorage Bowl Park, Natural Resource, and Recreation Facility Plan, (Draft January 2005) 1. Page 26 Needs Assessment Introduction This section introduces a very important element of the plan, the Level of Service (LOS) standard, but does not adequately define it. Please consider adding more text to this section to define this critical concept in layman’s terms. Otherwise, I found that I had to jump back and forth to several different sections of the plan before I could figure out what is really meant by a LOS standard. My understanding is that a LOS standard is basically the yardstick used by communities to measure the adequacy of public services or facilities. LOS standards are measures of the amount or quality of public land or facilities which are desirable to meet the communities’ needs or expectations. For Anchorage, a range of LOS standards was determined for each of four park land classifications based on number of acres of land per 1,000 people within defined areas. LOS standards are presented in this plan for several defined areas, including the Anchorage Bowl and each of five sub areas (Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, Central, and Southeast Park Districts). 2. Page 31 Park Needs Suggest adding a citation or other clarification to the text which says that the Municipality “has adopted LOS standards that reflect the current methodology recommended by the NPRA.” Were the current LOS standards adopted under municipal code, a policy document, a parks plan, or something else? 3. Page 56 Figure 14 Please compare and confirm the acreages used in the column for MOA Current Park Acreages with those listed in the Appendix A: Park and Recreation Inventory. For example, Figure 14 lists 238 acres for Neighborhood Use Areas yet Appendix A indicates the acreage as 242. Figure 14 lists 8,911 acres for Natural Resource Use Areas, yet Appendix A indicates the amount as 8,906 acres. 4. Page 59 Figure 15 Please compare and confirm the acreages used in the column for MOA Existing Inventory with those listed in the Appendix A: Park and Recreation Inventory. Figure 15 lists 77 acres for Neighborhood Use Areas yet Appendix A shows the amount as 81 acres. 5. Page 65 Figure 20 Please compare and confirm the acreages used in the column for MOA Existing Inventory with those listed in the Appendix A: Park and Recreation Inventory. If acreages are adjusted, the LOS numbers may need revisions. • Figure 20 lists 206 acres for Special Use Areas in the Central District; Appendix A shows the amount as 0.00 acres. • Lists 363 acres for Special Use Areas in the Northeast District; Appendix A shows the amount as 564 acres. • Lists 366 acres for Special Use Areas in the Southeast District; Appendix A shows the amount as 371 acres. 6. Page 69 Figure 21 Please compare and confirm the acreages used in the column for MOA Existing Inventory with those listed in the Appendix A: Park and Recreation Inventory. If acreages are adjusted, the LOS numbers may need significant revisions. • Figure 21 lists 1,975 acres for Natural Resource Use Areas in the Central District; Appendix A shows the amount as 572 acres. • Lists 1,986 acres for Natural Resource Use Areas in the Northeast District; Appendix A shows the amount as 4,548 acres. • Lists 503 acres for Natural Resource Use Areas in the Northwest District; Appendix A shows the amount as 502 acres. • Lists 2,466 acres for Natural Resource Use Areas in the Southeast District; Appendix A shows the amount as 1,303 acres. • Lists 8,911 acres for the Total; Appendix A shows the amount as 8,906 acres. 7. Page 89 Figure 30 Please compare and confirm the acreages used in the column for MOA Existing Inventory with those listed in the Appendix A: Park and Recreation Inventory. If acreages are adjusted, the LOS numbers may need significant revisions. (Similar comments apply to Figures 27, 28, 29, and 31 on pages 77, 81, 85, and 93.) • Figure 30 lists 366 acres for Special Use Areas in the Southeast District; Appendix A shows the amount as 371 acres. • Lists 2,466 acres for Natural Resource Use Areas in the Southeast District; Appendix A shows the amount as 1,303 acres. • Lists 2,870 acres for Total in the Southeast District; Appendix A shows the amount as 1,713 acres. 8. Page 89 Southeast Park District Recommendations Please revise the item pertaining to Section 36 listed under the bullet for “Community Use park improvements needed in the following areas”. As Section 36 is a “Natural Resource Use” area, suggest moving the Section 36 wording to the “Protect and Improve Natural Resources” topic on page 90. Instead of the “master plan” terminology, suggest changing it to: “Section 36: develop resource management plan.” so it would then be consistent with wording used for Kincaid Park on page 94. Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on this document.
Michael Flister 3/16/2004 10:32:27 AM
The draft appears to have been available for review to everyone except the public for some time. Why? I propose MOA consider enhancing the public process by providing this type of information to ALL stakeholders upon initial release. Some of us would like more than two weeks to review and provide input, just as our elected officials,Boards, Commissions and select stakeholders do. Thanks.