Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Susanne Comellas 12/15/2004 5:01:47 PM
This type of broad ammendment is of concern not so much with public lands but with institutions that are allowed in residential areas. While there may be some requirements by the city for traffic control etc..The abuses for something like this especially an intermittant 90 day process could exceed a neighborhoods'nightmare threshold. I do not think this has been well planned and circumvents public process. It has the capcity to create a whole new type of institutional use that is of no benefit to its' neighbors. The potential creation of a 90 day commercial enterprize discriminates against legitimate businesses that are not allowed to operate in those types of areas due to zoning. Why is this ok?
Lance Duncan 10/21/2004 11:03:12 AM
I believe this change is meant to shortcut the normal process for limited use or conditional use permits. If an event or use would normally require a limited or conditional use permit, the ordinance should not be shortcut to bypass that process. A temporary use, even if only 1 day, should not be allowed if it violates the intent of zoning ordinances, and should have to go through the full process before being allowed. If repeated use of public land for a certain use (say carnivals, fairs, etc) is desired for a certain location, then Parks and Rec could apply for a Conditional Use Permit for repeated events for an annual period, using the current process. I oppose this bypassing of the public review and use restrictions system currently in place.
Steven Ellis 10/5/2004 9:03:28 AM
I am guessing this is so we can lease our Municipal property for carnivals and other commercial uses. These Temporary Uses should require a review by Traffic Engineering, ROW Enforcement and the Health Department for traffic and noise issues. Leasing of PLI zoned property for industrial uses especially abutting residential property should be prohibited.