Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Berit Eriksson 3/25/2005 2:09:39 PM
My residence address is 5400 W. Dimond at the Seacliff Plaza. I am absolutely disturbed to see that sites in Area 2 (E-2 & M-2) across the street from my residence is being considered for a school site!!! The majority of the new construction is around the sites in Area 1 (E-1, E-1A & M-1). This is where the children will be living. Please put the school where the kids will live.It will be a high density residence area. I will be contacting my Municipal representatives in this matter. I am sure that my neighbors feel the same. I am happy to pay school taxes even though I have no children. The Seacliff area has only a couple of children and the rest of the residents are childless or older adults. I really don't want to see a school across the street.