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Submitted comments will appear below after staff approval.
Chugiak Community Council, Merten Bangemann-Johnson, President 4/22/2005 12:29:21 PM
At the monthly meeting of the Chugiak Community Council (Council), held on April 21, 2005, the Council discussed Case No. 2005-052. This case is an ordinance amending AMC 21.55.020 – Nonconforming Lots of Record. The case is scheduled to go before the Planning and Zoning Commission on May 2, 2005. ------ It is the Council’s understanding that proposed subsection B of this amendment would allow duplexes, multi-family dwellings, and customary accessory buildings to be erected in districts permitted to have such dwellings even though an unconforming lot of record fails to meet the district’s requirements for area, or width, or both. ------ The case was discussed and the Council voted unanimously to oppose subsection B of this amendment as it is the Council’s belief that (Reason 1): Subsection B would dilute existing district lot requirements to the degree they would become meaningless. (Reason 2): Although existing subsection A allows single-family dwellings to be erected on non-conforming lots in districts permitted to have such dwellings, subsection B deals with high density development and the enactment of subsection B would greatly contribute to the over proliferation of high density housing within the Municipality. (Reason 3): Owners of non-conforming lots may utilize existing procedures to apply for special permits to build on their lots. This existing process allows for a more thorough examination of site-specific issues. ------ The Council respectfully requests that subsection B be removed from the proposed ordinance. If you have any questions, please contact Merten Bangemann-Johnson, Chugiak Community Council President, at 688-6575 or ------ Sincerely, Linda Kovac, Secretary-Treasurer, Chugiak Community Council
Joe Spurlock 3/15/2005 10:34:27 AM
You need to be more specific as to what your amendments are regarding therefore giving us an opportunity to make an intelligent rebuttal.